1 # DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
3 # Configuration File For Chef (chef-client)
5 # The chef-client program will connect the local system to the specified
6 # server URLs through a RESTful API to retrieve its configuration.
8 # Force the default external encoding to UTF-8
10 Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8
16 # Set the location of the log file
18 log_location "/var/log/chef/client.log"
22 node_name "<%= node.name %>"
24 # Verify SSL certificates
26 ssl_verify_mode :verify_peer
28 # Set the URL for the chef server
30 chef_server_url "https://chef.openstreetmap.org/organizations/openstreetmap"
32 # Make our plugins visible to ohai
34 ohai.plugin_path << "<%= node[:ohai][:plugin_dir] %>"
36 # Load supporting code for report handlers
38 require "/etc/chef/report"
40 # Create report handler
42 email_handler = Chef::Handler::Email.new(:to => ["tom@compton.nu", "openstreetmap@firefishy.com"])
44 # Configure report handlers
46 exception_handlers.delete_if { |h| h.is_a?(Chef::Handler::Email) } << email_handler
47 report_handlers.delete_if { |h| h.is_a?(Chef::Handler::Email) } << email_handler