3 # DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
5 # Send output to the log
6 exec >> /var/log/nominatim/update.log 2>&1
8 # Change to Nominatim directory
9 DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$0" )" && pwd )"
16 ./utils/update.php --no-npi --import-osmosis
18 if git fetch origin; then
19 # will trigger recompilation if necessary
20 git merge origin/master
22 echo "WARNING: git fetch failed."
25 # sleep a bit if updates take less than a minute
27 elapsed=$((endtime - starttime))
28 if [[ $elapsed -lt 60 ]]
30 sleepy=$((60 - $elapsed))
31 echo "Sleeping for ${sleepy}s..."