-template "/etc/logrotate.d/nominatim" do
- source "logrotate.nominatim.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode 0644
-package "osmosis"
-package "gcc"
-package "proj-bin"
-package "libgeos-c1"
-package "postgresql-#{database_version}-postgis-#{postgis_version}"
-package "postgresql-server-dev-#{database_version}"
-package "build-essential"
-package "libxml2-dev"
-package "libgeos-dev"
-package "libgeos++-dev"
-package "libpq-dev"
-package "libbz2-dev"
-package "libtool"
-package "automake"
-package "libproj-dev"
-package "libprotobuf-c0-dev"
-package "protobuf-c-compiler"
-package "python-psycopg2"
-package "libboost-dev"
-package "libboost-system-dev"
-package "libboost-filesystem-dev"
-package "libboost-thread-dev"
-execute "php-pear-db" do
- command "pear install DB"
- not_if { File.exists?("/usr/share/php/DB") }
+# Note: tablespaces must be exactly in the same location on each
+# Nominatim instance when replication is in use. Therefore
+# use symlinks to canonical directory locations.
+node[:nominatim][:tablespaces].each do |name, location|
+ directory location do
+ owner "postgres"
+ group "postgres"
+ mode 0o700
+ recursive true
+ end
+ link "#{basedir}/tablespaces/#{name}" do
+ to location
+ end
+ postgresql_tablespace name do
+ cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
+ location "#{basedir}/tablespaces/#{name}"
+ end