- # Work out the name of the next file
- file="changes-$(cat sequence.txt).osc.gz"
- # Save sequence file so we can rollback if an error occurs
- cp sequence.txt sequence-prev.txt
- # Fetch the next set of changes
- pyosmium-get-changes --sequence-file=sequence.txt --outfile=${file}
- # Save exit status
- status=$?
- # Check for errors
- if [ $status -eq 0 ]
- then
- # Enable exit on error
- set -e
- # Log the new data
- echo "Fetched new data from $(cat sequence-prev.txt) to $(cat sequence.txt) into ${file}"
- # Apply the changes to the database
- osm2pgsql --database gis --slim --append --number-processes=1 \
-<% if node[:tile][:node_file] -%>
- --flat-nodes=<%= node[:tile][:node_file] %> \
+ /bin/osm2pgsql-replication update \
+ --database gis \
+ --post-processing /usr/local/bin/replicate-post \
+ -- \
+ --number-processes=1 \
+ --log-progress=false \
+ --expire-tiles=10-16 \
+ --expire-output=/var/lib/replicate/dirty-tiles.txt \
+<% if node[:tile][:database][:multi_geometry] -%>
+ --multi-geometry \