+# sync a file to guarantee it's on disk
+def fsync(f)
+ File.open(f) do |fh|
+ fh.fsync
+ end
+# sync a directory to guarantee it's on disk. have to recurse to the root
+# to guarantee sync for newly created directories.
+def fdirsync(d)
+ while d != "/"
+ Dir.open(d) do |dh|
+ io = IO.for_fd(dh.fileno)
+ io.fsync
+ end
+ d = File.dirname(d)
+ end
# state and connections associated with getting changeset data
# replicated to a file.
sequence = (@state.key?("sequence") ? @state["sequence"] + 1 : 0)
- data_file = @config["data_dir"] + format("/%03d/%03d/%03d.osm.gz", sequence / 1000000, (sequence / 1000) % 1000, (sequence % 1000))
+ data_stem = @config["data_dir"] + format("/%03d/%03d/%03d", sequence / 1000000, (sequence / 1000) % 1000, (sequence % 1000))
+ data_file = data_stem + ".osm.gz"
+ data_state_file = data_stem + ".state.txt"
tmp_state = @config["state_file"] + ".tmp"
- tmp_data = "/tmp/changeset_data.osm.tmp"
+ tmp_data = data_file + ".tmp"
# try and write the files to tmp locations and then
# move them into place later, to avoid in-progress
# clashes, or people seeing incomplete files.
+ # fsync the files in their old locations.
+ fsync(tmp_data)
+ fsync(tmp_state)
+ # sync the directory as well, to ensure that the file is reachable
+ # from the dirent and has been updated to account for any allocations.
+ fdirsync(File.dirname(tmp_data))
+ fdirsync(File.dirname(tmp_state))
# sanity check: the files we're moving into place
# should be non-empty.
- fail "Temporary gzip file should exist, but doesn't." unless File.exist?(tmp_data)
- fail "Temporary state file should exist, but doesn't." unless File.exist?(tmp_state)
- fail "Temporary gzip file should be non-empty, but isn't." if File.zero?(tmp_data)
- fail "Temporary state file should be non-empty, but isn't." if File.zero?(tmp_state)
+ raise "Temporary gzip file should exist, but doesn't." unless File.exist?(tmp_data)
+ raise "Temporary state file should exist, but doesn't." unless File.exist?(tmp_state)
+ raise "Temporary gzip file should be non-empty, but isn't." if File.zero?(tmp_data)
+ raise "Temporary state file should be non-empty, but isn't." if File.zero?(tmp_state)
FileUtils.mv(tmp_data, data_file)
- FileUtils.mv(tmp_state, @config["state_file"])
+ FileUtils.cp(tmp_state, @config["state_file"])
+ FileUtils.mv(tmp_state, data_state_file)
+ # fsync the files in their new locations, in case the inodes have
+ # changed in the move / copy.
+ fsync(data_fie)
+ fsync(@config["state_file"])
+ fsync(data_state_file)
+ # sync the directory as well, to ensure that the file is reachable
+ # from the dirent and has been updated to account for any allocations.
+ fdirsync(File.dirname(data_file))
+ fdirsync(File.dirname(@config["state_file"]))