+units.sort.uniq.each do |unit|
+ service "serial-getty@ttyS#{unit}" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+ end
+# if we need a different / special kernel version to make the hardware
+# work (e.g: https://github.com/openstreetmap/operations/issues/45) then
+# ensure that we have the package installed. the grub template will
+# make sure that this is the default on boot.
+if node[:hardware][:grub][:kernel]
+ kernel_version = node[:hardware][:grub][:kernel]
+ package "linux-image-#{kernel_version}-generic"
+ package "linux-image-extra-#{kernel_version}-generic"
+ package "linux-headers-#{kernel_version}-generic"
+ package "linux-tools-#{kernel_version}-generic"
+ boot_device = IO.popen(["df", "/boot"]).readlines.last.split.first
+ boot_uuid = IO.popen(["blkid", "-o", "value", "-s", "UUID", boot_device]).readlines.first.chomp
+ grub_entry = "gnulinux-advanced-#{boot_uuid}>gnulinux-#{kernel_version}-advanced-#{boot_uuid}"
+ grub_entry = "0"