-attribute :name, :kind_of => String, :name_attribute => true
-attribute :package, :kind_of => String
-attribute :conf, :kind_of => String
-attribute :variables, :kind_of => Hash, :default => {}
+property :module, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
+property :package, :kind_of => String
+property :conf, :kind_of => String
+property :variables, :kind_of => Hash, :default => {}
+property :restart_apache, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => true
+action :install do
+ declare_resource :package, package_name unless installed?
+ if new_resource.conf
+ template available_name("conf") do
+ source new_resource.conf
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+ variables new_resource.variables
+ end
+ end
+action :enable do
+ execute "a2enmod-#{new_resource.module}" do
+ command "a2enmod #{new_resource.module}"
+ user "root"
+ group "root"
+ not_if { ::File.exist?(enabled_name("load")) }
+ end
+ link enabled_name("load") do
+ to available_name("load")
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ end
+ link enabled_name("conf") do
+ to available_name("conf")
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ only_if { ::File.exist?(available_name("conf")) }
+ end
+action :disable do
+ link enabled_name("load") do
+ action :delete
+ end
+ link enabled_name("conf") do
+ action :delete
+ end
+action :delete do
+ package package_name do
+ action :remove
+ end
+action_class do
+ def package_name
+ new_resource.package || "libapache2-mod-#{new_resource.module}"
+ end
+ def available_name(extension)
+ "/etc/apache2/mods-available/#{new_resource.module}.#{extension}"
+ end
+ def enabled_name(extension)
+ "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/#{new_resource.module}.#{extension}"
+ end
+ def installed?
+ ::File.exist?(available_name("load"))
+ end
+def after_created
+ notifies :restart, "service[apache2]" if restart_apache