-PYOSMIUM="pyosmium-get-changes --server <%= node[:overpass][:replication_url] %> -f <%= @basedir %>/db/replicate-id"
+PYOSMIUM="pyosmium-get-changes --server <%= node[:overpass][:replication_url] %> --diff-type osc.gz -f <%= @basedir %>/db/replicate-id"
<% if node[:overpass][:meta_mode] == "attic" -%>
PYOSMIUM="$PYOSMIUM --no-deduplicate"
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
-while true; do
- status=3 # make it sleep on issues
+status=3 # make it sleep on issues
- if [ -f <%= @basedir %>/db/replicate-id ]; then
- # first apply any pending updates
- if [ -f <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc ]; then
- DATA_VERSION=`osmium fileinfo -e -g data.timestamp.last <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc`
- if [ "x$DATA_VERSION" != "x" ]; then
- echo "Downloaded up to timestamp $DATA_VERSION"
- while ! <%= @basedir %>/bin/update_from_dir --osc-dir=<%= @basedir %>/diffs --version=$DATA_VERSION $META --flush-size=0; do
- echo "Error while updating. Retry in 1 min."
- sleep 60
- done
- fi
- rm <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc
+if [ -f <%= @basedir %>/db/replicate-id ]; then
+ # first apply any pending updates
+ if [ -f <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc ]; then
+ DATA_VERSION=`osmium fileinfo -e -g data.timestamp.last <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc`
+ if [ "x$DATA_VERSION" != "x" ]; then
+ echo "Downloaded up to timestamp $DATA_VERSION"
+ while ! <%= @basedir %>/bin/update_from_dir --osc-dir=<%= @basedir %>/diffs --version=$DATA_VERSION $META --flush-size=0; do
+ echo "Error while updating. Retry in 1 min."
+ sleep 60
+ done
- $PYOSMIUM -v -s 1000 -o <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc
- status=$?
- fi
- if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
- echo "Downloaded next batch."
- elif [ $status -eq 3 ]; then
rm <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc
- echo "No new data, sleeping for a minute."
- sleep 60
- else
- echo "Fatal error, stopping updates."
- exit $status
+ $PYOSMIUM -v -s 1000 -o <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc
+ status=$?
+if [ $status -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "Downloaded next batch."
+elif [ $status -eq 3 ]; then
+ rm <%= @basedir %>/diffs/latest.osc
+ echo "No new data, sleeping for a minute."
+ sleep 60
+ echo "Fatal error, stopping updates."
+ exit $status