-# Cookbook Name:: taginfo
+# Cookbook:: taginfo
# Recipe:: default
-# Copyright 2014, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2014, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
require "json"
+include_recipe "accounts"
include_recipe "apache"
include_recipe "passenger"
include_recipe "git"
gem_package "bundler#{ruby_version}" do
package_name "bundler"
+ version "~> 1.16.2"
gem_binary "gem#{ruby_version}"
options "--format-executable"
apache_module "cache_disk"
apache_module "headers"
-file "/etc/cron.d/taginfo" do
- action :delete
directory "/var/log/taginfo" do
owner "taginfo"
group "taginfo"
git "#{directory}/taginfo" do
action :sync
- repository "git://github.com/taginfo/taginfo.git"
+ repository "https://github.com/taginfo/taginfo.git"
revision "osmorg-taginfo-live"
user "taginfo"
group "taginfo"
notifies :restart, "passenger_application[#{directory}/taginfo/web/public]"
- %w[taginfo/web/tmp bin data data/old download sources planet planet/log].each do |dir|
+ %w[taginfo/web/tmp bin data data/old download sources].each do |dir|
directory "#{directory}/#{dir}" do
owner "taginfo"
group "taginfo"
- file "#{directory}/bin/update-planet" do
- action :delete
- end
- file "#{directory}/bin/update-taginfo" do
- action :delete
- end
template "#{directory}/bin/update" do
source "update.erb"
owner "taginfo"
variables :name => site_name, :directory => directory
- passenger_application "#{directory}/taginfo/web/public"
+ passenger_application "#{directory}/taginfo/web/public" do
+ action :nothing
+ end
ssl_certificate site_name do
domains [site_name] + site_aliases