-# Cookbook Name:: ntp
+# Cookbook:: ntp
# Recipe:: default
-# Copyright 2010, OpenStreetMap Foundation.
-# Copyright 2009, Opscode, Inc
+# Copyright:: 2010, OpenStreetMap Foundation.
+# Copyright:: 2009, Opscode, Inc
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-require "socket"
package %w[
- ntp
- ntpdate
+ chrony
group "root"
-file "/etc/timezone" do
+link "/etc/localtime" do
+ to "/usr/share/zoneinfo/#{node[:ntp][:tz]}"
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0o644
- content "#{node[:tz]}\n"
notifies :run, "execute[dpkg-reconfigure-tzdata]", :immediately
-service "ntp" do
- action [:enable, :start]
- supports :status => true, :restart => true
-template "/etc/ntp.conf" do
- source "ntp.conf.erb"
+template "/etc/chrony/chrony.conf" do
+ source "chrony.conf.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
mode 0o644
- notifies :restart, "service[ntp]"
+ notifies :restart, "service[chrony]"
-munin_plugins = %w[ntp_kernel_err ntp_kernel_pll_freq ntp_kernel_pll_off ntp_offset]
-munin_plugin "ntp_kernel_err"
-munin_plugin "ntp_kernel_pll_freq"
-munin_plugin "ntp_kernel_pll_off"
-munin_plugin "ntp_offset"
-if File.directory?("/etc/munin/plugins")
- Dir.new("/etc/munin/plugins").each do |plugin|
- next unless plugin.match(/^ntp_/) && !munin_plugins.include?(plugin)
+service "systemd-timesyncd" do
+ action [:stop, :disable]
- munin_plugin plugin do
- action :delete
- end
- end
+service "chrony" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+munin_plugin "chrony"