-# Cookbook Name:: postgresql
+# Cookbook:: postgresql
# Recipe:: default
-# Copyright 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# limitations under the License.
+include_recipe "apt"
+include_recipe "munin"
+include_recipe "prometheus"
+package "locales-all"
package "postgresql-common"
node[:postgresql][:versions].each do |version|
source "postgresql.conf.erb"
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o644
+ mode "644"
variables :version => version, :defaults => defaults, :settings => settings
notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
source "pg_hba.conf.erb"
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o640
+ mode "640"
variables :early_rules => settings[:early_authentication_rules] || defaults[:early_authentication_rules],
:late_rules => settings[:late_authentication_rules] || defaults[:late_authentication_rules]
notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
source "pg_ident.conf.erb"
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o640
+ mode "640"
variables :maps => settings[:user_name_maps] || defaults[:user_name_maps]
notifies :reload, "service[postgresql]"
source "recovery.conf.erb"
owner "postgres"
group "postgres"
- mode 0o640
+ mode "640"
variables :standby_mode => standby_mode,
:primary_conninfo => primary_conninfo,
:restore_command => restore_command,
template "ohai.rb.erb"
-package "ptop"
+package "pgtop"
package "libdbd-pg-perl"
clusters = node[:postgresql][:clusters] || []
conf_variables :port => details[:port]
+ports = clusters.collect do |_, details|
+ details[:port]
+template "/etc/prometheus/exporters/postgres_queries.yml" do
+ source "postgres_queries.yml.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+prometheus_exporter "postgres" do
+ port 9187
+ user "postgres"
+ options "--extend.query-path=/etc/prometheus/exporters/postgres_queries.yml"
+ environment "DATA_SOURCE_URI" => "postgres@:#{ports.join(',:')}/postgres?host=/run/postgresql",
+ "PG_EXPORTER_EXCLUDE_DATABASES" => "postgres,template0,template1"
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/prometheus/exporters/postgres_queries.yml]"