-# Cookbook Name:: db
+# Cookbook:: db
# Recipe:: master
-# Copyright 2011, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2011, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
password passwords["rails"]
+postgresql_user "cgimap" do
+ cluster node[:db][:cluster]
+ password passwords["cgimap"]
postgresql_user "planetdump" do
cluster node[:db][:cluster]
password passwords["planetdump"]
postgresql_user "planetdiff" do
cluster node[:db][:cluster]
password passwords["planetdiff"]
+ replication true
postgresql_user "backup" do
password passwords["backup"]
-postgresql_user "gpximport" do
- cluster node[:db][:cluster]
- password passwords["gpximport"]
postgresql_user "munin" do
cluster node[:db][:cluster]
password passwords["munin"]
postgresql_extension "btree_gist" do
cluster node[:db][:cluster]
database "openstreetmap"
- only_if { node[:postgresql][:clusters][node[:db][:cluster]] and node[:postgresql][:clusters][node[:db][:cluster]][:version] >= 9.0 }
+ only_if { node[:postgresql][:clusters][node[:db][:cluster]] && node[:postgresql][:clusters][node[:db][:cluster]][:version] >= 9.0 }
+ "changeset_comments" => [:select],
+ "changeset_tags" => [:select],
+ "changesets" => [:select, :update],
+ "client_applications" => [:select],
+ "current_node_tags" => [:select, :insert, :delete],
+ "current_nodes" => [:select, :insert, :update],
+ "current_nodes_id_seq" => [:update],
+ "current_relation_members" => [:select, :insert, :delete],
+ "current_relation_tags" => [:select, :insert, :delete],
+ "current_relations" => [:select, :insert, :update],
+ "current_relations_id_seq" => [:update],
+ "current_way_nodes" => [:select, :insert, :delete],
+ "current_way_tags" => [:select, :insert, :delete],
+ "current_ways" => [:select, :insert, :update],
+ "current_ways_id_seq" => [:update],
+ "issues" => [:select],
+ "node_tags" => [:select, :insert],
+ "nodes" => [:select, :insert],
+ "oauth_access_grants" => [:select],
+ "oauth_access_tokens" => [:select],
+ "oauth_applications" => [:select],
+ "oauth_nonces" => [:select, :insert],
+ "oauth_nonces_id_seq" => [:update],
+ "oauth_tokens" => [:select],
+ "relation_members" => [:select, :insert],
+ "relation_tags" => [:select, :insert],
+ "relations" => [:select, :insert],
+ "reports" => [:select],
+ "user_blocks" => [:select],
+ "user_roles" => [:select],
+ "users" => [:select],
+ "way_nodes" => [:select, :insert],
+ "way_tags" => [:select, :insert],
+ "ways" => [:select, :insert]
+ "note_comments" => :select,
+ "notes" => :select,
+ "users" => :select
+ "changeset_comments" => :select,
+ "changeset_tags" => :select,
+ "changesets" => :select,
+ "node_tags" => :select,
+ "nodes" => :select,
+ "relation_members" => :select,
+ "relation_tags" => :select,
+ "relations" => :select,
+ "users" => :select,
+ "way_nodes" => :select,
+ "way_tags" => :select,
+ "ways" => :select
+ "delayed_jobs" => :select
+ acls
+ active_storage_attachments
+ active_storage_blobs
+ active_storage_variant_records
+ ar_internal_metadata
+ changeset_comments
+ changeset_tags
+ changesets
+ changesets_subscribers
+ client_applications
+ current_node_tags
+ current_nodes
+ current_relation_members
+ current_relation_tags
+ current_relations
+ current_way_nodes
+ current_way_tags
+ current_ways
+ delayed_jobs
+ diary_comments
+ diary_entries
+ diary_entry_subscriptions
+ friends
+ gps_points
+ gpx_file_tags
+ gpx_files
+ issue_comments
+ issues
+ languages
+ messages
+ node_tags
+ nodes
+ note_comments
+ notes
+ oauth_access_grants
+ oauth_access_tokens
+ oauth_applications
+ oauth_nonces
+ oauth_openid_requests
+ oauth_tokens
+ redactions
+ relation_members
+ relation_tags
+ relations
+ reports
+ schema_migrations
+ user_blocks
+ user_mutes
+ user_preferences
+ user_roles
+ users
+ way_nodes
+ way_tags
+ ways
+].each do |table|
+ postgresql_table table do
+ cluster node[:db][:cluster]
+ database "openstreetmap"
+ owner "openstreetmap"
+ permissions "openstreetmap" => [:all],
+ "rails" => [:select, :insert, :update, :delete],
+ "cgimap" => CGIMAP_PERMISSIONS[table],
+ "planetdump" => PLANETDUMP_PERMISSIONS[table],
+ "planetdiff" => PLANETDIFF_PERMISSIONS[table],
+ "prometheus" => PROMETHEUS_PERMISSIONS[table],
+ "backup" => [:select]
+ end
+ acls_id_seq
+ active_storage_attachments_id_seq
+ active_storage_blobs_id_seq
+ active_storage_variant_records_id_seq
+ changeset_comments_id_seq
+ changesets_id_seq
+ client_applications_id_seq
+ current_nodes_id_seq
+ current_relations_id_seq
+ current_ways_id_seq
+ delayed_jobs_id_seq
+ diary_comments_id_seq
+ diary_entries_id_seq
+ friends_id_seq
+ gpx_file_tags_id_seq
+ gpx_files_id_seq
+ issue_comments_id_seq
+ issues_id_seq
+ messages_id_seq
+ note_comments_id_seq
+ notes_id_seq
+ oauth_access_grants_id_seq
+ oauth_access_tokens_id_seq
+ oauth_applications_id_seq
+ oauth_nonces_id_seq
+ oauth_openid_requests_id_seq
+ oauth_tokens_id_seq
+ redactions_id_seq
+ reports_id_seq
+ user_blocks_id_seq
+ user_mutes_id_seq
+ user_roles_id_seq
+ users_id_seq
+].each do |sequence|
+ postgresql_sequence sequence do
+ cluster node[:db][:cluster]
+ database "openstreetmap"
+ owner "openstreetmap"
+ permissions "openstreetmap" => [:all],
+ "rails" => [:usage],
+ "cgimap" => CGIMAP_PERMISSIONS[sequence],
+ "backup" => [:select]
+ end
+cookbook_file "/usr/local/share/monthly-reindex.sql" do
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+systemd_service "monthly-reindex" do
+ description "Monthly database reindex"
+ exec_start "/usr/bin/psql -f /usr/local/share/monthly-reindex.sql openstreetmap"
+ user "postgres"
+ sandbox true
+ restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
+ remove_ipc false
+systemd_timer "monthly-reindex" do
+ description "Monthly database reindex"
+ on_calendar "Sun *-*-1..7 02:00"
+service "monthly-reindex.timer" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+cookbook_file "/usr/local/share/yearly-reindex.sql" do
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+systemd_service "yearly-reindex" do
+ description "Yearly database reindex"
+ exec_start "/usr/bin/psql -f /usr/local/share/yearly-reindex.sql openstreetmap"
+ user "postgres"
+ sandbox true
+ restrict_address_families "AF_UNIX"
+ remove_ipc false
+systemd_timer "yearly-reindex" do
+ description "Yearly database reindex"
+ on_calendar "Thu *-1-8..14 02:00"
+service "yearly-reindex.timer" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
-template "/etc/cron.daily/rails-db" do
- source "cron.erb"
+template "/etc/prometheus/exporters/sql_rails.collector.yml" do
+ source "sql_rails.yml.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0755
+ mode "0644"