# support doing this in the incrontab
if [[ -s "$logfile" ]]
- mailx -s "Planet dump output: ${file}" zerebubuth@gmail.com < "${logfile}"
+ mailx -s "Planet dump output: ${file}" admins@openstreetmap.org zerebubuth@gmail.com < "${logfile}"
# Remove the log file
-w "https://osm.openarchive.site/${name}" \
-w "https://downloads.opencagedata.com/planet/${name}" \
-w "https://planet.osm-hr.org/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://planet.maps.mail.ru/${web_path}" \
-c "OpenStreetMap ${type} data export, licensed under https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/ by OpenStreetMap contributors" \
-o "${torrent_file}" > /dev/null
--attr "type" --output "application/rss+xml" --break \
--break \
--elem "description" --output "${type}.osm.${format}.torrent RSS feed" --break \
+ --elem "copyright" --output "Source: OpenStreetMap contributors, under ODbL 1.0 licence" --break \
--elem "generator" --output "OpenStreetMap xmlstarlet powered shell script v1.0" --break \
--elem "language" --output "en" --break \
--elem "lastBuildDate" --output "${torrent_time_rfc}" \
> "${rss_file}"
# add newly created .torrent file as new entry to .xml RSS feed, removing excess entries
+ torrent_size="$(stat --format="%s" ${torrent_file})"
xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
- -a "//channel" -t elem -n item -v "" \
+ -a "//lastBuildDate" -t elem -n item -v "" \
-s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "title" -v "${torrent_file}" \
-s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "guid" -v "${torrent_url}" \
-s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "link" -v "${torrent_url}" \
-s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "category" -v "OpenStreetMap data" \
-s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "enclosure" \
-s "//item[1]"/enclosure -t attr -n "type" -v "application/x-bittorrent" \
+ -s "//item[1]"/enclosure -t attr -n "length" -v "${torrent_size}" \
-s "//item[1]"/enclosure -t attr -n "url" -v "${torrent_url}" \
-s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "description" -v "OpenStreetMap torrent ${torrent_file}" \
- -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "comments" -v "Source: OpenStreetMap contributors, under ODbL 1.0 licence" \
-u /rss/channel/lastBuildDate -v "${torrent_time_rfc}" \
-d /rss/@atom:DUMMY \
-d "//item[position()>5]" \
install_dump "history" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_history_directory] %>" "${year}"
install_dump "planet" "pbf" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:pbf_directory] %>"
install_dump "history" "pbf" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:pbf_history_directory] %>"
-# Remove pbf dumps older than 90 days
-find "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:pbf_directory] %>" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:pbf_history_directory] %>" \
- -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type f -mtime +90 \
- \( \
- -iname 'planet-*.pbf' \
- -o -iname 'history-*.pbf' \
- -o -iname 'planet-*.pbf.md5' \
- -o -iname 'history-*.pbf.md5' \
- \) \
- -delete