-# Cookbook Name:: foundation
+# Cookbook:: foundation
# Recipe:: wiki
-# Copyright 2014, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2014, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
mediawiki_skin "osmf" do
site "wiki.osmfoundation.org"
- repository "git://github.com/openstreetmap/mediawiki-skins-osmf.git"
+ repository "https://github.com/openstreetmap/mediawiki-skins-osmf.git"
revision "master"
mediawiki_skin "OSMFoundation" do
site "wiki.osmfoundation.org"
- repository "git://github.com/osmfoundation/osmf-mediawiki-skin.git"
+ repository "https://github.com/osmfoundation/osmf-mediawiki-skin.git"
revision "master"
legacy false
cookbook_file "/srv/wiki.osmfoundation.org/Wiki.png" do
owner node[:mediawiki][:user]
group node[:mediawiki][:group]
- mode 0o644
+ mode "644"