-# coding: utf-8
-# Cookbook Name:: kibana
+# Cookbook:: kibana
# Recipe:: default
-# Copyright 2015, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2015, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
require "yaml"
-include_recipe "apache::ssl"
+include_recipe "accounts"
+include_recipe "apache"
apache_module "proxy_http"
version = node[:kibana][:version]
remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/kibana-#{version}.tar.gz" do
- source "https://download.elastic.co/kibana/kibana/kibana-4.1.1-linux-x64.tar.gz"
- not_if { File.exist?("/opt/kibana-#{version}/bin/kibana") }
+ source "https://download.elastic.co/kibana/kibana/kibana-#{version}-linux-x64.tar.gz"
+ not_if { ::File.exist?("/opt/kibana-#{version}/bin/kibana") }
directory "/opt/kibana-#{version}" do
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0755
+ mode 0o755
execute "unzip-kibana-#{version}" do
cwd "/opt/kibana-#{version}"
user "root"
group "root"
- not_if { File.exist?("/opt/kibana-#{version}/bin/kibana") }
+ not_if { ::File.exist?("/opt/kibana-#{version}/bin/kibana") }
directory "/etc/kibana" do
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0755
+ mode 0o755
directory "/var/run/kibana" do
owner "kibana"
group "kibana"
- mode 0755
+ mode 0o755
directory "/var/log/kibana" do
owner "kibana"
group "kibana"
- mode 0755
+ mode 0o755
+systemd_service "kibana@" do
+ description "Kibana server"
+ after "network.target"
+ user "kibana"
+ exec_start "/opt/kibana-#{version}/bin/kibana -c /etc/kibana/%i.yml"
+ private_tmp true
+ private_devices true
+ protect_system "full"
+ protect_home true
+ no_new_privileges true
+ restart "on-failure"
node[:kibana][:sites].each do |name, details|
file "/etc/kibana/#{name}.yml" do
- content YAML.dump(YAML.load(File.read("/opt/kibana-#{version}/config/kibana.yml")).merge(
+ content YAML.dump(YAML.safe_load(File.read("/opt/kibana-#{version}/config/kibana.yml")).merge(
"port" => details[:port],
"host" => "",
"elasticsearch_url" => details[:elasticsearch_url],
"pid_file" => "/var/run/kibana/#{name}.pid",
"log_file" => "/var/log/kibana/#{name}.log"
- ))
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode 0644
- notifies :restart, "service[kibana-#{name}]"
- end
- template "/etc/init/kibana-#{name}.conf" do
- source "kibana.conf.erb"
+ ))
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0644
- variables :config => "/etc/kibana/#{name}.yml"
- notifies :restart, "service[kibana-#{name}]"
+ mode 0o644
+ notifies :restart, "service[kibana@#{name}]"
- service "kibana-#{name}" do
+ service "kibana@#{name}" do
action [:enable, :start]
supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => false
+ subscribes :restart, "systemd_service[kibana@]"
+ end
+ ssl_certificate details[:site] do
+ domains details[:site]
+ notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"
apache_site details[:site] do