def open?(t)
- not closed?(t)
+ !closed?(t)
def activity_between?(t1, t2)
# time (see rails_port's changeset model). so it is probably enough
# for us to look at anything that was closed recently, and filter from
# there.
- @conn.
- exec("select id, created_at, closed_at, num_changes from changesets where closed_at > ((now() at time zone 'utc') - '1 hour'::interval)").
- map { |row| Changeset.new(row) }.
- select { |cs| cs.activity_between?(last_run, @now) }
+ @conn
+ .exec("select id, created_at, closed_at, num_changes from changesets where closed_at > ((now() at time zone 'utc') - '1 hour'::interval)")
+ .map { |row| Changeset.new(row) }
+ .select { |cs| cs.activity_between?(last_run, @now) }
# creates an XML file containing the changeset information from the
'generator' => 'replicate_changesets.rb',
'copyright' => "OpenStreetMap and contributors",
'attribution' => "http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright",
- 'license' => "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" }.
- each { |k, v| doc.root[k] = v }
+ 'license' => "http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/" }
+ .each { |k, v| doc.root[k] = v }
changesets.each do |cs|
xml = XML::Node.new("changeset")
xml['user'] = res[0]['display_name']
xml['uid'] = res[0]['id']
- unless (res[0]['min_lat'].nil? ||
- res[0]['max_lat'].nil? ||
- res[0]['min_lon'].nil? ||
- res[0]['max_lon'].nil?)
+ unless res[0]['min_lat'].nil? ||
+ res[0]['max_lat'].nil? ||
+ res[0]['min_lon'].nil? ||
+ res[0]['max_lon'].nil?
xml['min_lat'] = (res[0]['min_lat'].to_f / GEO_SCALE).to_s
xml['max_lat'] = (res[0]['max_lat'].to_f / GEO_SCALE).to_s
xml['min_lon'] = (res[0]['min_lon'].to_f / GEO_SCALE).to_s
File.open(@config['state_file'], "r") do |fl|
- sequence = (@state.has_key?('sequence') ? @state['sequence'] + 1 : 0)
+ sequence = (@state.key?('sequence') ? @state['sequence'] + 1 : 0)
data_file = @config['data_dir'] + sprintf("/%03d/%03d/%03d.osm.gz", sequence / 1000000, (sequence / 1000) % 1000, (sequence % 1000))
tmp_state = @config['state_file'] + ".tmp"
tmp_data = "/tmp/changeset_data.osm.tmp"