name "ntp"
maintainer "Opscode, Inc."
maintainer_email ""
-license "Apache 2.0"
+license "Apache-2.0"
description "Installs and configures ntp as a client or server"
-long_description, ''))
+long_description, ""))
version "0.8.2"
-recipe "ntp", "Installs and configures ntp either as a server or client"
-%w(ubuntu debian redhat centos fedora).each do |os|
- supports os
-attribute "ntp",
- :display_name => "NTP",
- :description => "Hash of NTP attributes",
- :type => "hash"
-attribute "ntp/service",
- :display_name => "NTP Service",
- :description => "Name of the NTP service",
- :default => "ntp"
-attribute "ntp/is_server",
- :display_name => "NTP Is Server?",
- :description => "Set to true if this is an NTP server",
- :default => "false"
-attribute "ntp/servers",
- :display_name => "NTP Servers",
- :description => "Array of servers we should talk to",
- :type => "array",
- :default => ["", ""]
+supports "ubuntu"