-# Cookbook Name:: nominatim
-# Recipe:: default
+# Cookbook:: nominatim
+# Recipe:: base
-# Copyright 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2015, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# limitations under the License.
-include_recipe "apache"
+include_recipe "munin"
+basedir = data_bag_item("accounts", "nominatim")["home"]
+email_errors = data_bag_item("accounts", "lonvia")["email"]
+directory basedir do
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o755
+ recursive true
+directory node[:nominatim][:logdir] do
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o755
+ recursive true
+file "#{node[:nominatim][:logdir]}/query.log" do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ owner "www-data"
+ group "adm"
+ mode 0o664
+file "#{node[:nominatim][:logdir]}/update.log" do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "adm"
+ mode 0o664
+# exception granted for a limited time so that they can set up their own server
+firewall_rule "increase-limits-gnome-proxy" do
+ action :accept
+ family "inet"
+ source "net:"
+ dest "fw"
+ proto "tcp:syn"
+ dest_ports "https"
+ rate_limit "s:10/sec:30"
+## Postgresql
include_recipe "postgresql"
-package "php5"
-package "php5-cli"
-package "php5-pgsql"
+postgresql_version = node[:nominatim][:dbcluster].split("/").first
+postgis_version = node[:nominatim][:postgis]
-package "php-apc"
+package "postgresql-#{postgresql_version}-postgis-#{postgis_version}"
-apache_module "rewrite"
-apache_module "fastcgi-handler"
+node[:nominatim][:dbadmins].each do |user|
+ postgresql_user user do
+ cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
+ superuser true
+ only_if { node[:nominatim][:state] != "slave" }
+ end
-service "php5-fpm" do
- action [ :enable, :start ]
- supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => true
+postgresql_user "nominatim" do
+ cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
+ superuser true
+ only_if { node[:nominatim][:state] != "slave" }
+postgresql_user "www-data" do
+ cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
+ only_if { node[:nominatim][:state] != "slave" }
+postgresql_munin "nominatim" do
+ cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
+ database node[:nominatim][:dbname]
+directory "#{basedir}/tablespaces" do
+ owner "postgres"
+ group "postgres"
+ mode 0o700
+# Note: tablespaces must be exactly in the same location on each
+# Nominatim instance when replication is in use. Therefore
+# use symlinks to canonical directory locations.
+node[:nominatim][:tablespaces].each do |name, location|
+ directory location do
+ owner "postgres"
+ group "postgres"
+ mode 0o700
+ recursive true
+ end
+ link "#{basedir}/tablespaces/#{name}" do
+ to location
+ end
+ postgresql_tablespace name do
+ cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
+ location "#{basedir}/tablespaces/#{name}"
+ end
+if node[:nominatim][:state] == "master"
+ postgresql_user "replication" do
+ cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
+ password data_bag_item("nominatim", "passwords")["replication"]
+ replication true
+ end
+ directory node[:rsyncd][:modules][:archive][:path] do
+ owner "postgres"
+ group "postgres"
+ mode 0o700
+ end
+ template "/usr/local/bin/clean-db-nominatim" do
+ source "clean-db-nominatim.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode 0o755
+ variables :archive_dir => node[:rsyncd][:modules][:archive][:path],
+ :update_stop_file => "#{basedir}/status/updates_disabled",
+ :streaming_clients => search(:node, "nominatim_state:slave").map { |slave| slave[:fqdn] }.join(" ")
+ end
+## Nominatim backend
+include_recipe "git"
+package %w[
+ build-essential
+ cmake
+ g++
+ libboost-dev
+ libboost-system-dev
+ libboost-filesystem-dev
+ libexpat1-dev
+ zlib1g-dev
+ libxml2-dev
+ libbz2-dev
+ libpq-dev
+ libgeos++-dev
+ libproj-dev
+ python3-pyosmium
+ pyosmium
+ python3-psycopg2
+ php
+ php-fpm
+ php-pgsql
+ php-intl
+source_directory = "#{basedir}/nominatim"
+build_directory = "#{basedir}/bin"
+directory build_directory do
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o755
+ recursive true
+# Normally syncing via chef is a bad idea because syncing might involve
+# an update of database functions which should not be done while an update
+# is ongoing. Therefore we sync in between update cycles. There is an
+# exception for slaves: they get DB function updates from the master, so
+# only the source code needs to be updated, which chef may do.
+git source_directory do
+ action node[:nominatim][:state] == "slave" ? :sync : :checkout
+ repository node[:nominatim][:repository]
+ revision node[:nominatim][:revision]
+ enable_submodules true
+ user "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ not_if { node[:nominatim][:state] != "slave" && File.exist?("#{source_directory}/README.md") }
+ notifies :run, "execute[compile_nominatim]", :immediately
+execute "compile_nominatim" do
+ action :nothing
+ user "nominatim"
+ cwd build_directory
+ command "cmake #{source_directory} && make"
+template "#{source_directory}/.git/hooks/post-merge" do
+ source "git-post-merge-hook.erb"
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o755
+ variables :srcdir => source_directory,
+ :builddir => build_directory,
+ :dbname => node[:nominatim][:dbname]
-apache_site "nominatim.openstreetmap.org" do
- template "apache.erb"
- directory "/home/lonvia/nominatim"
+template "#{build_directory}/settings/local.php" do
+ source "settings.erb"
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o664
+ variables :base_url => node[:nominatim][:state] == "off" ? node[:fqdn] : "nominatim.openstreetmap.org",
+ :dbname => node[:nominatim][:dbname],
+ :flatnode_file => node[:nominatim][:flatnode_file],
+ :log_file => "#{node[:nominatim][:logdir]}/query.log"
-template "/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf" do
- source "fpm.conf.erb"
+if node[:nominatim][:flatnode_file]
+ directory File.dirname(node[:nominatim][:flatnode_file]) do
+ recursive true
+ end
+template "/etc/logrotate.d/nominatim" do
+ source "logrotate.nominatim.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0644
- variables :name => "www", :pm => "dynamic", :max_children => "50"
- notifies :reload, resources(:service => "php5-fpm")
+ mode 0o644
+external_data = [
+ "wikimedia-importance.sql.gz",
+ "gb_postcode_data.sql.gz"
+external_data.each do |fname|
+ remote_file "#{source_directory}/data/#{fname}" do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ source "https://www.nominatim.org/data/#{fname}"
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o644
+ end
-template "/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/bulk.conf" do
- source "fpm.conf.erb"
+remote_file "#{source_directory}/data/country_osm_grid.sql.gz" do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ source "https://www.nominatim.org/data/country_grid.sql.gz"
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o644
+template "/etc/cron.d/nominatim" do
+ action node[:nominatim][:state] == "off" ? :delete : :create
+ source "nominatim.cron.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0644
- variables :name => "bulk", :pm => "static", :max_children => "7"
- notifies :reload, resources(:service => "php5-fpm")
+ mode "0644"
+ variables :bin_directory => "#{source_directory}/utils",
+ :mailto => email_errors,
+ :update_maintenance_trigger => "#{basedir}/status/update_maintenance"
-postgresql_user "tomh" do
- cluster "9.1/main"
- superuser true
+template "#{source_directory}/utils/nominatim-update" do
+ source "updater.erb"
+ user "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o755
+ variables :bindir => build_directory,
+ :srcdir => source_directory,
+ :logfile => "#{node[:nominatim][:logdir]}/update.log",
+ :branch => node[:nominatim][:revision],
+ :update_stop_file => "#{basedir}/status/updates_disabled",
+ :update_maintenance_trigger => "#{basedir}/status/update_maintenance"
-postgresql_user "lonvia" do
- cluster "9.1/main"
- superuser true
+template "/etc/init.d/nominatim-update" do
+ source "updater.init.erb"
+ user "nominatim"
+ group "nominatim"
+ mode 0o755
+ variables :source_directory => source_directory
-postgresql_user "twain" do
- cluster "9.1/main"
- superuser true
+%w[backup-nominatim vacuum-db-nominatim].each do |fname|
+ template "/usr/local/bin/#{fname}" do
+ source "#{fname}.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode 0o755
+ variables :db => node[:nominatim][:dbname]
+ end
-postgresql_user "www-data" do
- cluster "9.1/main"
+## webserver frontend
+directory "#{basedir}/etc" do
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "adm"
+ mode 0o775
-postgresql_munin "nominatim" do
- cluster "9.1/main"
- database "nominatim"
+%w[user_agent referer email].each do |name|
+ file "#{basedir}/etc/nginx_blocked_#{name}.conf" do
+ action :create_if_missing
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "adm"
+ mode 0o664
+ end
+service "php7.2-fpm" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+ supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => true
+node[:nominatim][:fpm_pools].each do |name, data|
+ template "/etc/php/7.2/fpm/pool.d/#{name}.conf" do
+ source "fpm.conf.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode 0o644
+ variables data.merge(:name => name)
+ notifies :reload, "service[php7.2-fpm]"
+ end
+ssl_certificate node[:fqdn] do
+ domains [node[:fqdn],
+ "nominatim.openstreetmap.org",
+ "nominatim.osm.org",
+ "nominatim.openstreetmap.com",
+ "nominatim.openstreetmap.net",
+ "nominatim.openstreetmaps.org",
+ "nominatim.openmaps.org"]
+ notifies :reload, "service[nginx]"
+package "apache2" do
+ action :remove
+include_recipe "nginx"
+nginx_site "default" do
+ action [:delete]
+nginx_site "nominatim" do
+ template "nginx.erb"
+ directory build_directory
+ variables :pools => node[:nominatim][:fpm_pools],
+ :frontends => search(:node, "recipes:web\\:\\:frontend"),
+ :confdir => "#{basedir}/etc"
+template "/etc/logrotate.d/nginx" do
+ source "logrotate.nginx.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode 0o644
+munin_plugin_conf "nominatim" do
+ template "munin.erb"
+ variables :db => node[:nominatim][:dbname],
+ :querylog => "#{node[:nominatim][:logdir]}/query.log"
+munin_plugin "nominatim_importlag" do
+ target "#{source_directory}/munin/nominatim_importlag"
+munin_plugin "nominatim_query_speed" do
+ target "#{source_directory}/munin/nominatim_query_speed_querylog"
+munin_plugin "nominatim_requests" do
+ target "#{source_directory}/munin/nominatim_requests_querylog"
+directory "#{basedir}/status" do
+ owner "nominatim"
+ group "postgres"
+ mode 0o775
+include_recipe "fail2ban"
+fail2ban_jail "nominatim_limit_req" do
+ filter "nginx-limit-req"
+ logpath "#{node[:nominatim][:logdir]}/nominatim.openstreetmap.org-error.log"
+ ports [80, 443]
+ maxretry 5