def read_sysctl_link(file)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR
def read_sysctl_file(file)
- rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::EINVAL
+ rescue Errno::ENOENT, Errno::ENOTDIR, Errno::EINVAL
def parse_memory_size(size)
def pci_devices
+ devices = {}
device = nil
- IO.popen(["lspci", "-Dkvmm"]).each_with_object( do |line, devices|
+ IO.popen(["lspci", "-Dkvmm"]).each do |line|
if line =~ /^Slot:\s+((\h{4}):(\h{2}):(\h{2}).(\h))\s*$/
device = {
:slot => Regexp.last_match(1),
device = nil
+ IO.popen(["lspci", "-Dkvmmn"]).each do |line|
+ if line =~ /^Slot:\s+((\h{4}):(\h{2}):(\h{2}).(\h))\s*$/
+ device = devices[Regexp.last_match(1)]
+ elsif device && line =~ /^([A-Z]+):\s+(.*)\s*$/i
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "Class" then device[:class_id] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "Vendor" then device[:vendor_id] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "Device" then device[:device_id] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "SVendor" then device[:subsystem_vendor_id] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "SDevice" then device[:subsystem_device_id] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ end
+ elsif device && line =~ /^\s*$/
+ device = nil
+ end
+ end
+ devices
def network_devices
- find_hp_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/hpssacli")
+ find_hp_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/ssacli")
find_megaraid_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/megacli")
- find_mpt_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/sas2ircu")
+ find_mpt1_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/lsiutil")
+ find_mpt2_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/sas2ircu")
find_adaptec_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/usr/sbin/arcconf")
find_areca_disks(disk) if File.exist?("/opt/areca/x86_64/cli64")
disk[:disks].each do |disk|
- if disk[:vendor] =~ /^CVPR/ && disk[:model] == "INTEL"
+ if disk[:vendor] =~ /^(BTWA|CVPR|PHDV)/ && disk[:model] == "INTEL"
disk[:model] = disk[:serial_number]
disk[:serial_number] = disk[:vendor]
disk[:vendor] = "INTEL"
- disk[:model].sub!(/-.*$/, "")
+ disk[:model].sub!(/-.*$/, "") if disk[:model]
Dir.glob("/sys/class/scsi_host/host*") do |host|
driver = read_sysctl_file("#{host}/proc_name")
- if driver == "ahci" || driver == "mptsas"
+ if %w(ahci mptsas sata_mv sata_nv).include?(driver)
bus = host.sub("/sys/class/scsi_host/host", "")
Dir.glob("/sys/bus/scsi/devices/#{bus}:0:*").each do |device|
def find_nvme_disks(devices)
- Dir.glob("/sys/class/misc/nvme*") do |device|
+ Dir.glob("/sys/class/nvme/nvme*") do |device|
controller = {
:id => devices[:controllers].count,
:pci_slot => File.basename("#{device}/device").realpath),
- Dir.glob("#{device}/device/block/*").each do |block|
+ Dir.glob("#{device}/nvme*").each do |block|
size = read_sysctl_file("#{block}/size").to_f / 2
disk = {
array = nil"/proc/mdstat", "r").each do |line|
- if line =~ /^(md\d+) : active raid(\d+)((?: (?:sd[a-z]|nvme\d+n\d+)\d*\[\d+\](?:\([A-Z]\))*)+)$/
+ if line =~ /^(md\d+) : active raid(\d+)((?: (?:sd[a-z]\d*|nvme\d+n\d+(?:p\d+)?)\[\d+\](?:\([A-Z]\))*)+)$/
array = {
:id => devices[:arrays].count,
:device => "/dev/#{Regexp.last_match(1)}",
+ :status => "optimal",
:raid_level => Regexp.last_match(2),
:disks => []
- Regexp.last_match(3).scan(/ (sd[a-z]+|nvme\d+n\d+)\d*\[\d+\](?:\([A-Z]\))*/).flatten.each do |device|
- if disk = devices[:disks].find { |d| d[:device] == "/dev/#{device}" }
- disk[:arrays] << array[:id]
- array[:disks] << disk[:id]
+ Regexp.last_match(3).split(" ").each do |member|
+ if member =~ /^(sd[a-z]+|nvme\d+n\d+).*/
+ device = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ if disk = devices[:disks].find { |d| d[:device] == "/dev/#{device}" }
+ if member =~ /\(F\)/
+ disk[:status] = "failed"
+ elsif member =~ /\(S\)/
+ disk[:status] = "hotspare"
+ else
+ disk[:status] = "online"
+ end
+ disk[:arrays] << array[:id]
+ array[:disks] << disk[:id]
+ end
devices[:arrays] << array
- elsif array && line =~ /^\s+(\d+) blocks/
+ elsif array && line =~ /^\s+(\d+) blocks.*(?:\[([U_]+)\])?/
array[:size] = format_disk_size(Regexp.last_match(1).to_i)
+ array[:status] = "degraded" if Regexp.last_match(2) =~ /_/
+ elsif array && line =~ /^\s+\[.*\]\s+(\S+)\s+=/
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "recovery" then array[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ when "resync" then array[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ when "checking" then array[:status] = "checking"
+ end
array = nil
disk = nil
- IO.popen(%w(hpssacli controller all show config detail)).each do |line|
- if line =~ /^Smart Array (\S+) /
+ IO.popen(%w(ssacli controller all show config detail)).each do |line|
+ next unless line.valid_encoding?
+ if line =~ /^Smart (?:Array|HBA) (\S+) /
controller = {
:id => devices[:controllers].count,
+ :type => "hp",
:model => Regexp.last_match(1),
:arrays => [],
:disks => []
disk = nil
elsif controller && line =~ /^ (\S.*):\s+(.*)$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "Slot" then controller[:slot] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Serial Number" then controller[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Hardware Revision" then controller[:hardware_version] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Firmware Version" then controller[:firmware_version] = Regexp.last_match(2)
controller[:arrays] << array[:id]
disk = nil
- elsif controller && line =~ /^ physicaldrive (\S+) /
- disks << Regexp.last_match(1)
elsif array && line =~ /^ physicaldrive (\S+)$/
disk = {
:id => devices[:disks].count,
:controller => controller[:id],
:arrays => [array[:id]],
- :location => Regexp.last_match(1),
- :smart_device => "cciss,#{disks.find_index(Regexp.last_match(1))}"
+ :location => Regexp.last_match(1)
devices[:disks] << disk
controller[:disks] << disk[:id]
array[:disks] << disk[:id]
- elsif disk && line =~ /^ (\S[^:]+):\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
+ elsif disk && line =~ /^ (\S[^:]+):\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "Status" then disk[:status] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "Drive Type" then disk[:drive_type] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Interface Type" then disk[:interface] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Size" then disk[:size] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Rotational Speed" then disk[:rpm] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Serial Number" then disk[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Model" then disk[:model] = Regexp.last_match(2)
- elsif array && line =~ /^ (\S[^:]+):\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
+ elsif array && line =~ /^ Status:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "OK" then array[:status] = "optimal"
+ when "Interim Recovery Mode" then array[:status] = "degraded"
+ else array[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
+ elsif array && line =~ /^ (\S[^:]+):\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "Size" then array[:size] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Fault Tolerance" then array[:raid_level] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "Status" then array[:status] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Disk Name" then array[:device] = Regexp.last_match(2).strip
when "Mount Points" then array[:mount_point] = Regexp.last_match(2).split.first
when "Unique Identifier" then array[:wwn] = Regexp.last_match(2)
controllers.each do |controller|
+ slot = controller[:slot]
+ IO.popen(%W(ssacli controller slot=#{slot} pd all show status)).each do |line|
+ if line =~ /^ physicaldrive (\S+) /
+ disks << Regexp.last_match(1)
+ end
+ end
if device = Dir.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/#{controller[:pci_slot]}/cciss*").first
controller[:device] = File.basename(device).sub(/^cciss(\d+)$/, "/dev/cciss/c\\1d0")
- elsif device = Dir.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/#{controller[:pci_slot]}/host*/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/scsi_generic/sg*").first
+ elsif device = Dir.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/#{controller[:pci_slot]}/host*/target*:3:0/*:3:0:0/scsi_generic/sg*").first
+ controller[:device] = "/dev/#{File.basename(device)}"
+ elsif device = Dir.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/#{controller[:pci_slot]}/host*/target*:1:0/*:1:0:*/scsi_generic/sg*").first
controller[:device] = "/dev/#{File.basename(device)}"
+ devices[:disks].each do |disk|
+ if location = disks.find_index(disk[:location])
+ disk[:smart_device] = "cciss,#{location}"
+ end
+ if disk[:status] == "Failed"
+ disk[:status] = "failed"
+ elsif disk[:status] == "Predictive Failure"
+ disk[:status] = "failed"
+ elsif disk[:status] == "OK" && disk[:drive_type] == "Data Drive"
+ disk[:status] = "online"
+ elsif disk[:status] == "OK" && disk[:drive_type] == "Spare Drive"
+ disk[:status] = "hotspare"
+ elsif disk[:drive_type] == "Unassigned Drive"
+ disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ else
+ disk[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
+ disk.delete(:drive_type)
+ end
def find_megaraid_disks(devices)
controllers = []
arrays = []
+ disks = []
controller = nil
array = nil
if line =~ /^PCI information for Controller (\d+)$/
controller = {
:id => devices[:controllers].count,
+ :type => "megaraid",
:arrays => [],
:disks => []
devices[:controllers] << controller
controllers << controller
- elsif line =~ /^Bus Number\s+:\s+(\d+)$/
+ elsif line =~ /^Bus Number\s+:\s+([0-9a-f]+)$/i
controller[:pci_slot] = format "0000:%02x", Integer("0x#{Regexp.last_match(1)}")
- elsif line =~ /^Device Number\s+:\s+(\d+)$/
+ elsif line =~ /^Device Number\s+:\s+([0-9a-f]+)$/i
controller[:pci_slot] = format "%s:%02x", controller[:pci_slot], Integer("0x#{Regexp.last_match(1)}")
- elsif line =~ /^Function Number\s+:\s+(\d+)$/
+ elsif line =~ /^Function Number\s+:\s+([0-9a-f]+)$/i
controller[:pci_slot] = format "%s.%01x", controller[:pci_slot], Integer("0x#{Regexp.last_match(1)}")
devices[:disks] << disk
controller[:disks] << disk[:id]
array[:disks] << disk[:id]
+ disks << disk
+ elsif disk && line =~ /^Firmware state:\s+(\S.*)$/
+ status, state = Regexp.last_match(1).split(/,\s*/)
+ case status
+ when "Unconfigured(good)" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Unconfigured(bad)" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Hotspare" then disk[:status] = "hotspare"
+ when "Offline" then disk[:status] = "offline"
+ when "Online" then disk[:status] = "online"
+ when "Rebuild" then disk[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ when "Failed" then disk[:status] = "failed"
+ when "Copyback" then disk[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ else disk[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
+ case state
+ when "Spun Up" then disk[:state] = "spun_up"
+ when "Spun down" then disk[:state] = "spun_down"
+ else disk[:state] = "unknown"
+ end
elsif disk && line =~ /^(\S.*\S)\s*:\s+(\S.*)$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
- when "Device Id" then disk[:smart_devlce] = "megaraid,#{Regexp.last_match(2)}"
+ when "Device Id" then disk[:device_id] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "WWN" then disk[:wwn] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "PD Type" then disk[:interface] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Raw Size" then disk[:size] = memory_to_disk_size(Regexp.last_match(2).sub(/\s*\[.*\]$/, ""))
when "Inquiry Data" then disk[:vendor], disk[:model], disk[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(2).split
+ elsif array && line =~ /^State\s*:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "Partially Degraded" then array[:status] = "degraded"
+ when "Degraded" then array[:status] = "degraded"
+ when "Optimal" then array[:status] = "optimal"
+ when "Consistency Check" then array[:status] = "checking"
+ when "Background Initialization" then array[:status] = "initialising"
+ when "Initialization" then array[:status] = "initialising"
+ when "Reconstruction" then array[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ else array[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
elsif array && line =~ /^(\S.*\S)\s*:\s+(\S.*)$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "RAID Level" then array[:raid_level] = Regexp.last_match(2).scan(/Primary-(\d+)/).first.first
controller = controllers[Regexp.last_match(1).to_i]
elsif controller && line =~ /^Enclosure Device ID: \d+$/
disk = {
- :controller => controller[:id]
+ :controller => controller[:id],
+ :arrays => []
elsif disk && line =~ /^WWN:\s+(\S+)$/
unless devices[:disks].find { |d| d[:wwn] == Regexp.last_match(1) }
disk[:wwn] = Regexp.last_match(1)
devices[:disks] << disk
+ disks << disk
+ end
+ elsif disk && line =~ /^Firmware state:\s+(\S.*)$/
+ status, state = Regexp.last_match(1).split(/,\s*/)
+ case status
+ when "Unconfigured(good)" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Unconfigured(bad)" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Hotspare" then disk[:status] = "hotspare"
+ when "Offline" then disk[:status] = "offline"
+ when "Online" then disk[:status] = "online"
+ when "Rebuild" then disk[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ when "Failed" then disk[:status] = "failed"
+ when "Copyback" then disk[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ else disk[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
+ case state
+ when "Spun Up" then disk[:state] = "spun_up"
+ when "Spun down" then disk[:state] = "spun_down"
+ else disk[:state] = "unknown"
elsif disk && line =~ /^(\S.*\S)\s*:\s+(\S.*)$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
- when "Device Id" then disk[:smart_devlce] = "megaraid,#{Regexp.last_match(2)}"
- when "WWN" then disk[:wwn] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "Device Id" then disk[:device_id] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "PD Type" then disk[:interface] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Raw Size" then disk[:size] = memory_to_disk_size(Regexp.last_match(2).sub(/\s*\[.*\]$/, ""))
when "Inquiry Data" then disk[:vendor], disk[:model], disk[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(2).split
controller[:device] = "/dev/#{File.basename(device)}"
+ disks.each do |disk|
+ controller = devices[:controllers][disk[:controller]]
+ if id = disk.delete(:device_id)
+ if device = Dir.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/#{controller[:pci_slot]}/host*/target0:0:#{id}/0:0:#{id}:0/block/sd*").first
+ disk[:device] = "/dev/#{File.basename(device)}"
+ else
+ disk[:smart_device] = "megaraid,#{id}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def find_mpt1_disks(devices)
+ controllers = []
+ disks = []
+ controller = nil
+ IO.popen(%w(lsiutil -s)).each do |line|
+ if line =~ /^\/proc\/mpt\/ioc(\d+)\s+LSI Logic\s+(\S+)\s+/
+ controller = {
+ :id => devices[:controllers].count,
+ :type => "mpt1",
+ :model => Regexp.last_match(1),
+ :arrays => [],
+ :disks => []
+ }
+ controllers << controller
+ devices[:controllers] << controller
+ elsif line =~ /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+PhysDisk (\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+\d+\s+(\S+)\s+/
+ disks[Regexp.last_match(3).to_i] = {
+ :id => devices[:disks].count,
+ :controller => controller[:id],
+ :vendor => Regexp.last_match(4),
+ :model => Regexp.last_match(5),
+ :sas_address => Regexp.last_match(6),
+ :arrays => []
+ }
+ controller[:disks] << devices[:disks].count
+ devices[:disks] << disks[Regexp.last_match(3).to_i]
+ end
+ end
+ controllers.each_with_index do |controller, index|
+ port = index + 1
+ array = nil
+ IO.popen(["lsiutil", "-p", port.to_s, "-a", "69,0"]).each do |line|
+ if line =~ /^ (\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+RAID/
+ seg = Regexp.last_match(1).to_i
+ bus = Regexp.last_match(2).to_i
+ dev = Regexp.last_match(3).to_i
+ fun = Regexp.last_match(4).to_i
+ controller[:pci_slot] = sprintf("%04x:%02x:%02x.%01x", seg, bus, dev, fun)
+ end
+ end
+ IO.popen(["lsiutil", "-p", port.to_s, "-a", "21,1,0,0"]).each do |line|
+ if line =~ /^Volume (\d+) is/
+ array = {
+ :id => devices[:arrays].count,
+ :controller => controller[:id],
+ :number => Regexp.last_match(1),
+ :disks => []
+ }
+ devices[:arrays] << array
+ controller[:arrays] << array[:id]
+ elsif line =~ /^ Member \d+ is PhysDisk (\d+) /
+ array[:disks] << disks[Regexp.last_match(1).to_i][:id]
+ disks[Regexp.last_match(1).to_i][:arrays] << array[:id]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ disks.each do |disk|
+ slot = controllers[disk[:controller]][:pci_slot]
+ sas_address = "0x#{disk[:sas_address]}"
+ Dir.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/#{slot}/host*/port-*:*/end_device-*:*/sas_device/end_device-*:*").each do |sas_device|
+ if read_sysctl_file("#{sas_device}/sas_address") == sas_address
+ if device = Dir.glob("#{sas_device}/device/target*:0:*/*:0:*:0/scsi_generic/sg*").first
+ disk[:device] = "/dev/#{File.basename(device)}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
- def find_mpt_disks(devices)
+ def find_mpt2_disks(devices)
controllers = []
IO.popen(%w(sas2ircu list)).each do |line|
next unless line =~ /^\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+\h+h\s+\h+h\s+(\S+)\s+\h+h\s+\h+h\s*$/
controllers[Regexp.last_match(1).to_i] = {
:id => devices[:controllers].count,
+ :type => "mpt2",
:model => Regexp.last_match(2),
:pci_slot => Regexp.last_match(3).sub(/^(\h{2})h:(\h{2})h:(\h{2})h:0(\h)h$/, "00\\1:\\2:\\3.\\4"),
:arrays => [],
controller[:disks] << disk[:id]
disks << disk
+ elsif disk && line =~ /^ State\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
+ Regexp.last_match(1).split(/,\s*/).each do |state|
+ case state
+ when "Online (ONL)" then disk[:status] = "online"
+ when "Hot Spare (HSP)" then disk[:status] = "hotspare"
+ when "Ready (RDY)" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Available (AVL)" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Failed (FLD)" then disk[:status] = "failed"
+ when "Missing (MIS)" then disk[:status] = "missing"
+ when "Standby (SBY)" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Out of Sync (OSY)" then disk[:status] = "degraded"
+ when "Degraded (DGD)" then disk[:status] = "degraded"
+ when "Rebuilding (RBLD)" then disk[:status] = "rebuilding"
+ when "Optimal (OPT)" then disk[:status] = "online"
+ else disk[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
+ end
elsif disk && line =~ /^ (\S.*\S)\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "Enclosure #" then disk[:location] = Regexp.last_match(2)
elsif array && line =~ /^ PHY\[\d+\] Enclosure#\/Slot#\s+:\s+(\d+:\d+)\s*$/
array[:disks] << Regexp.last_match(1)
+ elsif array && line =~ /^ Status of volume\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
+ Regexp.last_match(1).split(/,\s*/).each do |state|
+ case state
+ when "Okay (OKY)" then array[:status] = "optimal"
+ when "Degraded (DGD)" then array[:status] = "degraded"
+ when "Failed (FLD)" then array[:status] = "failed"
+ when "Missing (MIS)" then array[:status] = "missing"
+ when "Initializing (INIT)" then array[:status] = "initialising"
+ when "Online (ONL)" then array[:status] = "optimal"
+ else array[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
+ end
elsif array && line =~ /^ (\S.*\S)\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "Volume wwid" then array[:device] = find_sas_device(Regexp.last_match(2))
def find_adaptec_disks(devices)
- controller_count = IO.popen(%w(arcconf getconfig 0)).first.scan(/^Controllers found: (\d+)$/).first.first.to_i
+ controller_count = IO.popen(%w(arcconf getconfig 0)).first.scan(/^Controllers Found: (\d+)$/i).first.first.to_i
1.upto(controller_count).each do |controller_number|
controller = {
:id => devices[:controllers].count,
:number => controller_number,
+ :type => "adaptec",
:arrays => [],
:disks => []
disk = nil
IO.popen(["arcconf", "getconfig", controller_number.to_s]).each do |line|
- if line =~ /^Logical device number (\d+)$/
+ if line =~ /^Logical Device Number (\d+)$/i
array = {
:id => devices[:arrays].count,
:controller => controller[:id],
disks << disk
elsif disk && line =~ /^ Reported Channel,Device\(T:L\)\s*:\s+(\d+),(\d+)\(\d+:0\)\s*$/
disk[:channel_number] = Regexp.last_match(1)
- disk[:device_number] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ disk[:device_number] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ elsif disk && line =~ /^ State\s*:\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "Online" then disk[:status] = "online"
+ when "Online (JBOD)" then disk[:status] = "online"
+ when "Hot Spare" then disk[:status] = "hotspare"
+ when "Ready" then disk[:status] = "unconfigured"
+ when "Global Hot-Spare" then disk[:status] = "hostspare"
+ when "Dedicated Hot-Spare" then disk[:status] = "hotspare"
+ else disk[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
elsif disk && line =~ /^ (\S.*\S)\s*:\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "Reported Location" then disk[:location] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Vendor" then disk[:vendor] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Model" then disk[:model] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Firmware" then disk[:firmware_version] = Regexp.last_match(2)
- when "Serial" then disk[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "Serial number" then disk[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "Serial Number" then disk[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "World-wide name" then disk[:wwn] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "World-wide Name" then disk[:wwn] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Total Size" then disk[:size] = memory_to_disk_size(Regexp.last_match(2))
when "Size" then disk[:size] = memory_to_disk_size(Regexp.last_match(2))
- elsif array && line =~ / Present \(Controller:\d+,((?:Connector|Enclosure):\d+,(?:Device|Slot):\d+)\) /
- array[:disks] << Regexp.last_match(1).tr(":", " ").gsub(",", ", ")
+ elsif array && line =~ / Present \(.*((?:Connector|Enclosure):\d+,\s*(?:Device|Slot):\d+)\) /
+ array[:disks] << Regexp.last_match(1).tr(":", " ").gsub(/,\s*/, ", ")
+ elsif array && line =~ /^ Status of Logical Device\s*:\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "Optimal" then array[:status] = "optimal"
+ else array[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
elsif array && line =~ /^ (\S.*\S)\s*:\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "RAID level" then array[:raid_level] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ when "RAID Level" then array[:raid_level] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Size" then array[:size] = memory_to_disk_size(Regexp.last_match(2))
elsif line =~ /^ (\S.*\S)\s*:\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
when "BIOS" then controller[:bios_version] = Regexp.last_match(2)
when "Firmware" then controller[:firmware_version] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ elsif line =~ /^ Serial Number\s*:\s+(\S.*\S)\s*$/
+ controller[:serial_number] = Regexp.last_match(1)
array[:disks].map! do |location|
disk = disks.find { |disk| disk[:location] == location }
+ controller_number = controller[:number] - 1
device_number = disk[:device_number]
- device = Dir.glob("#{host}/device/target*:1:#{device_number}/*:1:#{device_number}:0/scsi_generic/*").first
disk[:device] = "/dev/#{File.basename(device)}"
+ disk[:smart_device] = "aacraid,#{controller_number},0,#{device_number}"
disk[:arrays] << array[:id]
def find_areca_disks(devices)
controller = {
:id => devices[:controllers].count,
+ :type => "areca",
:arrays => [],
:disks => []
device = Dir.glob("/sys/bus/pci/devices/#{pci_slot}/host*/target*:0:0/0:#{channel}:#{id}:#{lun}/block/*").first
array[:device] = "/dev/#{File.basename(device)}"
+ elsif line =~ /^Volume State\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "Normal" then array[:status] = "optimal"
+ else array[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
elsif line =~ /^(\S.*\S)\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "Volume Set Name" then array[:volume_set] = Regexp.last_match(2)
disk[:smart_device] = "areca,#{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
elsif line =~ /^Device Location\s+:\s+Enclosure#(\d+) Slot#?\s*0*(\d+)\s*$/i
disk[:smart_device] = "areca,#{Regexp.last_match(2)}/#{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
+ elsif line =~ /^Device State\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
+ case Regexp.last_match(1)
+ when "NORMAL" then disk[:status] = "online"
+ else disk[:status] = "unknown"
+ end
elsif line =~ /^(\S.*\S)\s+:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/
case Regexp.last_match(1)
when "Model Name" then disk[:vendor], disk[:model] = Regexp.last_match(2).split
+ def lvm_devices
+ {
+ :pvs => find_lvm_pvs,
+ :vgs => find_lvm_vgs,
+ :lvs => find_lvm_lvs
+ }
+ end
+ def find_lvm_pvs
+ IO.popen(["pvdisplay", "-c"]).each_with_object({}) do |line, pvs|
+ fields = line.strip.split(":")
+ pvs[fields[0]] = {
+ :vg => fields[1],
+ :pv_size => fields[2],
+ :pv_status => fields[4],
+ :pe_size => fields[7],
+ :pe_total => fields[8],
+ :pe_free => fields[9],
+ :pe_allocated => fields[10],
+ :pv_uuid => fields[11]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def find_lvm_vgs
+ IO.popen(["vgdisplay", "-c"]).each_with_object({}) do |line, vgs|
+ fields = line.strip.split(":")
+ vgs[fields[0]] = {
+ :vg_access => fields[1],
+ :vg_status => fields[2],
+ :lv_maximum => fields[4],
+ :lv_count => fields[5],
+ :lv_open => fields[6],
+ :pv_maximum => fields[8],
+ :pv_current => fields[9],
+ :pv_actual => fields[10],
+ :vg_size => fields[11],
+ :pe_size => fields[12],
+ :pe_total => fields[13],
+ :pe_allocated => fields[14],
+ :pe_free => fields[15],
+ :vg_uuid => fields[16]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def find_lvm_lvs
+ IO.popen(["lvdisplay", "-c"]).each_with_object({}) do |line, lvs|
+ fields = line.strip.split(":")
+ lvs[fields[0]] = {
+ :vg => fields[1],
+ :lv_access => fields[2],
+ :lv_status => fields[3],
+ :lv_open => fields[5],
+ :lv_size => fields[6],
+ :le_count => fields[7],
+ :lv_minor => fields[11],
+ :lv_major => fields[12]
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def psu_devices
+ device = nil
+ IO.popen(["dmidecode", "-t", "39"]).each_with_object([]) do |line, devices|
+ if line =~ /^System Power Supply\s*$/
+ device = {}
+ elsif device && line =~ /^\s+([A-Z ]+):\s+(.*)\s*$/i
+ device[Regexp.last_match(1).tr(" ", "_").downcase.to_sym] = Regexp.last_match(2).strip
+ elsif device && line =~ /^\s*$/
+ devices << device
+ device = nil
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def mc_device
+ device = {}
+ IO.popen(["ipmitool", "mc", "info"]).each_with_object([]) do |line, devices|
+ if line =~ /(Manufacturer [A-Z ]+[A-Z])\s*:\s+(.*\S)\s+\(.*\)\s*$/i
+ device[Regexp.last_match(1).tr(" ", "_").downcase.to_sym] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ elsif line =~ /(Product [A-Z ]+[A-Z])\s*:\s+(.*\S)\s+\(.*\)\s*$/i
+ device[Regexp.last_match(1).tr(" ", "_").downcase.to_sym] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ elsif line =~ /([A-Z ]+[A-Z])\s*:\s+(.*\S)\s*$/i
+ device[Regexp.last_match(1).tr(" ", "_").downcase.to_sym] = Regexp.last_match(2)
+ end
+ end
+ IO.popen(["ipmitool", "mc", "guid"]).each_with_object([]) do |line, devices|
+ if line =~ /^System GUID\s*:\s+(\S+)\s*$/
+ device[:system_guid] = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ end
+ end
+ device
+ end
collect_data(:default) do
hardware[:network] = network_devices
hardware[:memory] = memory_devices
hardware[:disk] = disk_devices
+ hardware[:lvm] = lvm_devices
+ hardware[:psu] = psu_devices
+ hardware[:mc] = mc_device