ExpiresActive On
RewriteEngine on
- #
- # Configure on the fly compression
- #
- AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
# Add the unique ID to the request headers
# Allow all proxy requests
<Proxy *>
- Allow from all
+ Require all granted
<Proxy balancer://backend>
ProxySet lbmethod=bybusyness
+<% node[:web][:backends].each do |backend| -%>
<% if port == 443 -%>
- BalancerMember https://rails1 disablereuse=on
- BalancerMember https://rails2 disablereuse=on
- BalancerMember https://rails3 disablereuse=on
+ BalancerMember https://<%= backend %> disablereuse=on
<% else -%>
- BalancerMember http://rails1
- BalancerMember http://rails2
- BalancerMember http://rails3
+ BalancerMember http://<%= backend %>
+<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% if port == 80 -%>