speed = "115200"
-if manufacturer == "HP" && node[:lsb][:release].to_f > 11.10
- include_recipe "git"
- git "/opt/hp/hp-legacy" do
- action :sync
- repository "git://chef.openstreetmap.org/hp-legacy.git"
- user "root"
- group "root"
- ignore_failure true
- end
- link "/opt/hp/hp-health/bin/hpasmd" do
- to "/opt/hp/hp-legacy/hpasmd"
- end
- link "/usr/lib/libhpasmintrfc.so.3.0" do
- to "/opt/hp/hp-legacy/libhpasmintrfc.so.3.0"
- end
- link "/usr/lib/libhpasmintrfc.so.3" do
- to "libhpasmintrfc.so.3.0"
- end
- link "/usr/lib/libhpasmintrfc.so" do
- to "libhpasmintrfc.so.3.0"
- end
unless unit.nil?
file "/etc/init/ttySttyS#{unit}.conf" do
action :delete
-if node[:hardware][:disk]
- disks = node[:hardware][:disk][:disks]
- disks = []
+disks = if node[:hardware][:disk]
+ node[:hardware][:disk][:disks]
+ else
+ []
+ end
disks = disks.map do |disk|
next if disk[:state] == "spun_down"
cpu = File.basename(coretemp).sub("coretemp.", "").to_i
chip = format("coretemp-isa-%04d", cpu)
- if File.exist?("#{coretemp}/name")
- temps = Dir.glob("#{coretemp}/temp*_input").map do |temp|
- File.basename(temp).sub("temp", "").sub("_input", "").to_i
- end.sort
- else
- temps = Dir.glob("#{coretemp}/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input").map do |temp|
- File.basename(temp).sub("temp", "").sub("_input", "").to_i
- end.sort
- end
+ temps = if File.exist?("#{coretemp}/name")
+ Dir.glob("#{coretemp}/temp*_input").map do |temp|
+ File.basename(temp).sub("temp", "").sub("_input", "").to_i
+ end.sort
+ else
+ Dir.glob("#{coretemp}/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input").map do |temp|
+ File.basename(temp).sub("temp", "").sub("_input", "").to_i
+ end.sort
+ end
if temps.first == 1
node.default[:hardware][:sensors][chip][:temps][:temp1][:label] = "CPU #{cpu}"