- imagery_layer "au_ga_agri" do
- site new_resource.name
- text "AGRI: The Australian Geographic Reference Image"
- copyright "Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence"
- projection "EPSG:3857"
- source "/data/imagery/au/agri/combine.vrt"
- end
+imagery_layer "au_ga_agri" do
+ site "agri.openstreetmap.org"
+ root_layer true
+ default_layer true
+ title "AGRI: The Australian Geographic Reference Image"
+ copyright "Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) - Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence"
+ background_colour "0 0 0" # Black
+ projection "EPSG:3857"
+ source "/store/imagery/au/agri/combine.vrt"
+ max_zoom 17
+ revision 1