-# Cookbook Name:: web
+# Cookbook:: web
# Resource:: rails_port
-# Copyright 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2012, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
default_action :create
-property :site, String, :name_attribute => true
+property :site, String, :name_property => true
property :ruby, String, :default => "2.3"
property :directory, String
property :user, String
property :group, String
property :repository, String, :default => "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/rails.git"
property :revision, String, :default => "live"
-property :run_migrations, [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => false
+property :run_migrations, [true, false], :default => false
property :email_from, String, :default => "OpenStreetMap <support@openstreetmap.org>"
property :status, String, :default => "online"
property :database_host, String
property :wikipedia_auth_secret, String
property :thunderforest_key, String
property :totp_key, String
-property :csp_enforce, [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => false
+property :csp_enforce, [true, false], :default => false
property :csp_report_url, String
property :piwik_configuration, Hash
+property :trace_use_job_queue, [true, false], :default => false
+property :diary_feed_delay, Integer
+property :storage_configuration, Hash, :default => {}
+property :storage_service, String, :default => "local"
+property :storage_url, String
action :create do
package %W[
+ tzdata
package %w[
+ libgd-dev
+ libarchive-dev
+ libbz2-dev
package %w[
line.gsub!(/^( *)server_protocol:.*$/, "\\1server_protocol: \"https\"")
line.gsub!(/^( *)server_url:.*$/, "\\1server_url: \"#{new_resource.site}\"")
- line.gsub!(/^( *)#publisher_url:.*$/, "\\1publisher_url: \"https://plus.google.com/111953119785824514010\"")
line.gsub!(/^( *)support_email:.*$/, "\\1support_email: \"support@openstreetmap.org\"")
if new_resource.email_from
line.gsub!(/^( *)#geonames_username:.*$/, "\\1geonames_username: \"openstreetmap\"")
line.gsub!(/^( *)#geoip_database:.*$/, "\\1geoip_database: \"/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPv6.dat\"")
+ line.gsub!(/^( *)#maxmind_database:.*$/, "\\1maxmind_database: \"/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb\"")
if new_resource.gpx_dir
line.gsub!(/^( *)gpx_trace_dir:.*$/, "\\1gpx_trace_dir: \"#{new_resource.gpx_dir}/traces\"")
- "memcache_servers",
- "gihub_auth_secret",
+ "github_auth_secret",
- "csp_report_url"
- ).merge(
+ "csp_report_url",
+ "trace_use_job_queue",
+ "diary_feed_delay",
+ "storage_service",
+ "storage_url"
+ ).reject { |_k, v| v.nil? }.merge(
"server_protocol" => "https",
- "server" => new_resource.site,
- "publisher_url" => "https://plus.google.com/111953119785824514010",
+ "server_url" => new_resource.site,
"support_email" => "support@openstreetmap.org",
"email_return_path" => "bounces@openstreetmap.org",
"geonames_username" => "openstreetmap",
"geoip_database" => "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPv6.dat",
- "trace_use_job_queue" => false
+ "maxmind_database" => "/usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-Country.mmdb"
+ if new_resource.memcache_servers
+ settings["memcache_servers"] = new_resource.memcache_servers.to_a
+ end
if new_resource.gpx_dir
settings["gpx_trace_dir"] = "#{new_resource.gpx_dir}/traces"
settings["gpx_image_dir"] = "#{new_resource.gpx_dir}/images"
only_if { ::File.exist?("#{rails_directory}/config/settings.yml") }
+ storage_configuration = new_resource.storage_configuration.merge(
+ "local" => {
+ "service" => "Disk",
+ "root" => "#{rails_directory}/storage"
+ }
+ )
+ file "#{rails_directory}/config/storage.yml" do
+ owner new_resource.user
+ group new_resource.group
+ mode 0o664
+ content YAML.dump(storage_configuration)
+ notifies :run, "execute[#{rails_directory}/public/assets]"
+ end
if new_resource.piwik_configuration
file "#{rails_directory}/config/piwik.yml" do
owner new_resource.user