# Set maximum number of update processes to run at once
max_processes 64
+# Maximum number of graphs to generate at once
+max_graph_jobs 24
+max_cgi_graph_jobs 24
+# Render pages and graphs on demand
+html_strategy cgi
+graph_strategy cgi
# Use rrdcached
rrdcached_socket /var/run/rrdcached.sock
<% if client[:munin][:plugins][plugin][value][:graph] -%>
<%= plugin %>.<%= value %>.graph <%= client[:munin][:plugins][plugin][value][:graph] %>
<% end -%>
+<% if client[:munin][:plugins][plugin][value][:label] -%>
+ <%= plugin %>.<%= value %>.label <%= client[:munin][:plugins][plugin][value][:label] %>
+<% end -%>
<% if client[:munin][:plugins][plugin][value][:warning] -%>
<%= plugin %>.<%= value %>.warning <%= client[:munin][:plugins][plugin][value][:warning] %>
<% end -%>