name "exim"
maintainer "OpenStreetMap Administrators"
maintainer_email ""
-license "Apache 2.0"
+license "Apache-2.0"
description "Installs and configures exim"
-long_description, ""))
version "1.0.0"
+supports "ubuntu"
+depends "accounts"
+depends "apache"
depends "networking"
-attribute "exim",
- :display_name => "Exim",
- :description => "Hash of exim attributes",
- :type => "hash"
-attribute "exim/local_domains",
- :display_name => "Domains to Handle Locally",
- :description => "List of domains we are prepared to accept mail for",
- :default => ["@"]
-attribute "exim/relay_to_domains",
- :display_name => "Domains to Relay To",
- :description => "List of domains we are prepared to relay to",
- :default => []
-attribute "exim/relay_from_hosts",
- :display_name => "Hosts to Relay From",
- :description => "List of hosts we are prepared to relay from",
- :default => ["", "::1"]
-attribute "exim/daemon_smtp_ports",
- :display_name => "Ports to Listen On",
- :description => "List of ports we will listen on",
- :default => [25]
-attribute "exim/trusted_users",
- :display_name => "Trusted Users",
- :description => "List of users we will trust",
- :default => []
-attribute "exim/smarthost_name",
- :display_name => "Smarthost Name",
- :description => "Name of this smarthost",
- :default => nil
-attribute "exim/smarthost_via",
- :display_name => "Smarthost Via",
- :description => "Smarthost to use for sending mail",
- :default => ""
-attribute "exim/routes",
- :display_name => "Custom Routes",
- :description => "Custom routes for handling local mail",
- :default => {}
-attribute "exim/aliases",
- :display_name => "Mail Aliases",
- :description => "Mail aliases",
- :default => {}
+depends "ssl"