-require "rubygems"
-require "date"
-gem "home_run", ">= 0"
-require "apache_log_regex"
-NUM_LINES = 10000
-def uris_from_logs
- lines = []
- max_time = nil
- min_time = nil
- parser = ApacheLogRegex.new('%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\" %x')
- IO.popen("tail -n #{NUM_LINES} /var/log/apache2/access.log").each_line do |line|
- begin
- hash = parser.parse(line)
- uri = hash["%r"]
- t = DateTime.strptime(hash["%t"], "[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]")
- min_time = [min_time, t].compact.min
- max_time = [max_time, t].compact.max
- lines << uri
- rescue ApacheLogRegex::ParseError
- # nil
- end
- end
- [min_time, max_time, lines]
+require "json"
:map => "Map API calls",
:other => "Other API calls"
-def categorise_uri(line)
- uri = line.split(" ")[1]
- case uri
- when %r{api/0\.6/map} then :map
- when %r{api/0\.6/changeset/[0-9]*/upload} then :upload
- when %r{api/0\.6/amf} then :amf
- when %r{api/0\.6/(node|way|relation)/[0-9]*/history} then :history
- when %r{api/0\.6/(node|way|relation)/[0-9]*/full} then :full
- when %r{api/0\.6/trackpoints} then :trkpts
- when %r{api/0\.6/} then :other
- else :web
- end
if ARGV[0] == "config"
puts "graph_title Requests processed"
- puts "graph_vlabel Number of requests per minute"
+ puts "graph_args --base 1000"
+ puts "graph_vlabel Number of requests per ${graph_period}"
puts "graph_category api"
- CALL_TYPES.each { |k, v| puts "#{k}.label #{v}" }
- min_time, max_time, lines = uris_from_logs
- delta_t = (max_time - min_time).to_f * 24 * 60
- counts = lines
- .collect { |x| categorise_uri(x) }
- .each_with_object({}) do |h, e|
- if h.key? e
- h[e] += 1
- else
- h[e] = 1
- end
+ CALL_TYPES.each do |type, label|
+ puts "#{type}.label #{label}"
+ puts "#{type}.type DERIVE"
+ statistics = JSON.parse(File.read("/srv/www.openstreetmap.org/rails/tmp/statistics.json"))
CALL_TYPES.keys.each do |type|
- count = counts[type] || 0
- puts "#{type}.value #{count / delta_t}"
+ count = statistics["uri"][type.to_s] || 0
+ puts "#{type}.value #{count}"