# DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
upstream tile_cache_backend {
- server;
- server;
+ server max_fails=32 fail_timeout=2s;
+ server max_fails=32 fail_timeout=2s;
- # Add the other caches to relieve pressure if local squid failing
+ # Add the tile_siblings caches to relieve pressure if local squid failing
# Balancer: round-robin
+<% server_weight = 20 -%>
+<% @node[:tilecache][:tile_siblings].each do |cache_peer| -%>
<% @caches.each do |cache| -%>
+<% if cache_peer == cache[:fqdn] -%>
<% if cache[:hostname] != node[:hostname] -%>
<% cache.ipaddresses(:family => :inet, :role => :external).sort.each do |address| -%>
- server <%= address %>:80 backup; # Server <%= cache[:hostname] %>
+ server <%= address %>:80 weight=<%= server_weight.div(10) %> max_fails=32 fail_timeout=2s; # Server <%= cache[:hostname] %>
+<% server_weight += 5 -%>
+<% end -%>
+<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
- keepalive 512;
- keepalive_requests 1024;
+ keepalive 128;
# Geo Map of tile caches
geo $tile_cache {
- default 0;
+ default "client";
<% @caches.each do |cache| -%>
<% cache.ipaddresses(:family => :inet, :role => :external).sort.each do |address| -%>
- <%= address %> 1; # <%= cache[:hostname] %>
+ <%= address %> "cache"; # <%= cache[:hostname] %>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
'com.soft373.taptaxi' 1;
'com.kradac.ktxcore' 1;
'ru.crowdsystems.topcontrol.knd' 1;
+ 'pl.itaxi.driver' 1;
+ 'net.uztaxi.driver' 1;
+ 'OSMDroid/2.1 (its; rutaxi 3.28.0)' 1;
+ 'com.helleniccomms.mercedes.driver' 1;
+ 'ru.taximaster.www' 1;
+ 'com.arobs.trackgps' 1;
+ 'com.helleniccomms.asteras.driver' 1;
# '~[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}' 1; # Fake UA
# Find Browser User-Agents which are not sending a referer.
# Browsers with no referer could be due to Browser extension or website Referrer-Policy
-map $http_referer$scheme$http_user_agent $deny_missing_referer {
+map $tile_cache$http_referer$scheme$http_user_agent $deny_missing_referer {
default 0; # Not denied
- '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(X11' 1;
- '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Windows' 1;
- '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(iPhone' 1;
- '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Macintosh' 1;
- '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Linux' 1;
+ '~^clienthttpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(X11' 1;
+ '~^clienthttpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Windows' 1;
+ '~^clienthttpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(iPhone' 1;
+ '~^clienthttpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Macintosh' 1;
+ '~^clienthttpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Linux' 1;
server {