+# Remove some unused and unwanted packages
+package %w[mlocate nano whoopsie] do
+ action :purge
+# Configure cron to run in the local timezone of the machine
+systemd_service "cron-timezone" do
+ service "cron"
+ dropin "timezone"
+ environment "TZ" => node[:timezone]
+ notifies :restart, "service[cron]"
+ only_if { node[:timezone] }
+# Configure cron with lower cpu and IO priority
+if node[:tools][:cron][:load]
+ systemd_service "cron-load" do
+ service "cron"
+ dropin "load"
+ nice node[:tools][:cron][:load][:nice]
+ io_scheduling_class node[:tools][:cron][:load][:io_scheduling_class]
+ io_scheduling_priority node[:tools][:cron][:load][:io_scheduling_priority]
+ notifies :restart, "service[cron]"
+ end
+# Make sure cron is running
+service "cron" do
+ action [:enable, :start]