# limitations under the License.
-include_recipe "apt::fullstaq-ruby"
ruby_version = node[:ruby][:version]
-package %W[
- fullstaq-ruby-common
- fullstaq-ruby-#{ruby_version}-jemalloc
+if node[:ruby][:fullstaq]
+ include_recipe "apt::fullstaq-ruby"
+ package %W[
+ fullstaq-ruby-common
+ fullstaq-ruby-#{ruby_version}-jemalloc
+ ]
-%w[bundle bundler erb gem irb racc rake rbs rdbg rdoc ri ruby syntax_suggest typeproc].each do |command|
- link "/usr/local/bin/#{command}" do
- to "/usr/lib/fullstaq-ruby/versions/#{ruby_version}-jemalloc/bin/#{command}"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
+ %w[bundle bundler erb gem irb racc rake rbs rdbg rdoc ri ruby syntax_suggest typeproc].each do |command|
+ link "/usr/local/bin/#{command}" do
+ to "/usr/lib/fullstaq-ruby/versions/#{ruby_version}-jemalloc/bin/#{command}"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ end
+ package %W[
+ ruby
+ ruby-dev
+ ruby-bundler
+ ]