-# Cookbook Name:: nominatim
+# Cookbook:: nominatim
# Recipe:: base
-# Copyright 2015, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2015, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
postgresql_version = node[:nominatim][:dbcluster].split("/").first
postgis_version = node[:nominatim][:postgis]
-package "postgis"
package "postgresql-#{postgresql_version}-postgis-#{postgis_version}"
node[:nominatim][:dbadmins].each do |user|
-if node[:nominatim][:state] == "master" # ~FC023
+if node[:nominatim][:state] == "master"
postgresql_user "replication" do
cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
password data_bag_item("nominatim", "passwords")["replication"]
## Nominatim backend
include_recipe "git"
-include_recipe "python"
-package "build-essential"
-package "cmake"
-package "g++"
-package "libboost-dev"
-package "libboost-system-dev"
-package "libboost-filesystem-dev"
-package "libexpat1-dev"
-package "zlib1g-dev"
-package "libxml2-dev"
-package "libbz2-dev"
-package "libpq-dev"
-package "libgeos++-dev"
-package "libproj-dev"
-package "osmosis"
-if node[:lsb][:release].to_f >= 18.04
- package "pyosmium"
- package "libboost-python-dev"
- python_package "osmium"
+package %w[
+ build-essential
+ cmake
+ g++
+ libboost-dev
+ libboost-system-dev
+ libboost-filesystem-dev
+ libexpat1-dev
+ zlib1g-dev
+ libxml2-dev
+ libbz2-dev
+ libpq-dev
+ libgeos++-dev
+ libproj-dev
+ python3-pyosmium
+ pyosmium
source_directory = "#{basedir}/nominatim"
build_directory = "#{basedir}/bin"
:log_file => "#{node[:nominatim][:logdir]}/query.log"
-if node[:nominatim][:flatnode_file] # ~FC023
+if node[:nominatim][:flatnode_file]
directory File.dirname(node[:nominatim][:flatnode_file]) do
recursive true
package "php"
package "php-fpm"
package "php-pgsql"
-package "php-pear"
-package "php-db"
package "php-intl"
apache_module "rewrite"
template "apache.erb"
directory build_directory
variables :pools => node[:nominatim][:fpm_pools]
+ only_if { node[:nominatim][:state] != "off" }
apache_site "default" do