# Basic server configuration
ServerName <%= node[:fqdn] %>
ServerAlias tile.openstreetmap.org
+ ServerAlias render.openstreetmap.org
+ ServerAlias *.render.openstreetmap.org
ServerAlias parent.tile.openstreetmap.org
ServerAdmin webmaster@openstreetmap.org
ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
BufferedLogs on
+ # Always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin so that simple CORS requests
+ # will always work and can be cached
+ Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
# Enable the rewrite engine
RewriteEngine on
Redirect /processed_p.tar.bz2 http://planet.openstreetmap.org/historical-shapefiles/processed_p.tar.bz2
Redirect /shoreline_300.tar.bz2 http://planet.openstreetmap.org/historical-shapefiles/shoreline_300.tar.bz2
Redirect /world_boundaries-spherical.tgz http://planet.openstreetmap.org/historical-shapefiles/world_boundaries-spherical.tgz
<Directory /srv/tile.openstreetmap.org/html>
Options None
AllowOverride None
+<% if node[:lsb][:release].to_f >= 14.04 -%>
+ Require all granted
+<% else -%>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
+<% end -%>
<Directory /srv/tile.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin>
Options ExecCGI
AllowOverride None
+<% if node[:lsb][:release].to_f >= 14.04 -%>
+ Require all granted
+<% else -%>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
+<% end -%>