-# Cookbook Name:: wordpress
+# Cookbook:: wordpress
# Resource:: wordpress_site
-# Copyright 2015, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2015, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# limitations under the License.
-actions :create, :delete
+require "securerandom"
+unified_mode true
default_action :create
-attribute :name, :kind_of => String, :name_attribute => true
-attribute :aliases, :kind_of => [String, Array]
-attribute :directory, :kind_of => String
-attribute :version, :kind_of => String
-attribute :database_name, :kind_of => String, :required => true
-attribute :database_user, :kind_of => String, :required => true
-attribute :database_password, :kind_of => String, :required => true
-attribute :database_prefix, :kind_of => String, :default => "wp_"
-attribute :ssl_enabled, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => false
-attribute :urls, :kind_of => Hash, :default => {}
-attribute :reload_apache, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => true
+property :site, :kind_of => String, :name_property => true
+property :aliases, :kind_of => [String, Array]
+property :title, :kind_of => String
+property :admin_user, :kind_of => String, :default => "osm_admin"
+property :admin_email, :kind_of => String, :default => "admins@openstreetmap.org"
+property :directory, :kind_of => String
+property :version, :kind_of => String
+property :database_name, :kind_of => String, :required => true
+property :database_user, :kind_of => String, :required => [:create]
+property :database_password, :kind_of => String, :required => [:create]
+property :database_prefix, :kind_of => String, :default => "wp_"
+property :wp2fa_encrypt_key, :kind_of => String, :required => true
+property :urls, :kind_of => Hash, :default => {}
+property :fpm_max_children, :kind_of => Integer, :default => 10
+property :fpm_start_servers, :kind_of => Integer, :default => 4
+property :fpm_min_spare_servers, :kind_of => Integer, :default => 2
+property :fpm_max_spare_servers, :kind_of => Integer, :default => 6
+property :fpm_request_terminate_timeout, :kind_of => Integer, :default => 300
+property :fpm_prometheus_port, :kind_of => Integer
+property :reload_apache, :kind_of => [TrueClass, FalseClass], :default => true
+action :create do
+ version = new_resource.version || Chef::Wordpress.current_version
+ node.default[:wordpress][:sites][new_resource.site] = {
+ :directory => site_directory
+ }
+ auth_key = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "auth_key")
+ secure_auth_key = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "secure_auth_key")
+ logged_in_key = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "logged_in_key")
+ nonce_key = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "nonce_key")
+ auth_salt = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "auth_salt")
+ secure_auth_salt = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "secure_auth_salt")
+ logged_in_salt = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "logged_in_salt")
+ nonce_salt = persistent_token("wordpress", new_resource.site, "nonce_salt")
+ mysql_user "#{new_resource.database_user}@localhost" do
+ password new_resource.database_password
+ end
+ mysql_database new_resource.database_name do
+ permissions "#{new_resource.database_user}@localhost" => :all
+ end
+ declare_resource :directory, site_directory do
+ owner node[:wordpress][:user]
+ group node[:wordpress][:group]
+ mode "755"
+ end
+ subversion site_directory do
+ action :sync
+ repository "https://core.svn.wordpress.org/tags/#{version}"
+ user node[:wordpress][:user]
+ group node[:wordpress][:group]
+ ignore_failure true
+ end
+ wp_config = edit_file "#{site_directory}/wp-config-sample.php" do |line|
+ line.gsub!(/database_name_here/, new_resource.database_name)
+ line.gsub!(/username_here/, new_resource.database_user)
+ line.gsub!(/password_here/, new_resource.database_password)
+ line.gsub!(/wp_/, new_resource.database_prefix)
+ line.gsub!(/('AUTH_KEY', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{auth_key}'")
+ line.gsub!(/('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{secure_auth_key}'")
+ line.gsub!(/('LOGGED_IN_KEY', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{logged_in_key}'")
+ line.gsub!(/('NONCE_KEY', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{nonce_key}'")
+ line.gsub!(/('AUTH_SALT', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{auth_salt}'")
+ line.gsub!(/('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{secure_auth_salt}'")
+ line.gsub!(/('LOGGED_IN_SALT', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{logged_in_salt}'")
+ line.gsub!(/('NONCE_SALT', *)'put your unique phrase here'/, "\\1'#{nonce_salt}'")
+ if line =~ /Add any custom values between this line/
+ line += "\r\n"
+ line += "/**\r\n"
+ line += " * Don't allow file editing.\r\n"
+ line += " */\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'WP_HOME', 'https://#{new_resource.site}');\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'WP_SITEURL', 'https://#{new_resource.site}');\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true);\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true);\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED', true);\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'FORCE_SSL_LOGIN', true);\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'WP_FAIL2BAN_SITE_HEALTH_SKIP_FILTERS', true);\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'WP_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE', 'production');\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');\r\n"
+ line += "define( 'WP2FA_ENCRYPT_KEY', '#{new_resource.wp2fa_encrypt_key}');\r\n"
+ end
+ line
+ end
+ file "#{site_directory}/wp-config.php" do
+ owner node[:wordpress][:user]
+ group node[:wordpress][:group]
+ mode "644"
+ content wp_config
+ end
+ declare_resource :directory, "#{site_directory}/wp-content/uploads" do
+ owner "www-data"
+ group "www-data"
+ mode "755"
+ end
+ file "#{site_directory}/sitemap.xml" do
+ action :delete
+ end
+ file "#{site_directory}/sitemap.xml.gz" do
+ action :delete
+ end
+ cookbook_file "#{site_directory}/googlefac54c35e800caab.html" do
+ cookbook "wordpress"
+ owner node[:wordpress][:user]
+ group node[:wordpress][:group]
+ mode "644"
+ backup false
+ end
+ # Setup wordpress database and create admin user with random password
+ execute "wp core install" do
+ command "/opt/wp-cli/wp --path='#{site_directory}' core install --url='#{new_resource.site}' --title='#{new_resource.title}' --admin_user='#{new_resource.admin_user}' --admin_email='#{new_resource.admin_email}' --skip-email"
+ user "www-data"
+ group "www-data"
+ only_if { ::File.exist?("#{site_directory}/wp-config.php") }
+ not_if "/opt/wp-cli/wp --path='#{site_directory}' core is-installed"
+ end
+ execute "wp core update-db" do
+ command "/opt/wp-cli/wp --path='#{site_directory}' core update-db"
+ user "www-data"
+ group "www-data"
+ only_if { ::File.exist?("#{site_directory}/wp-config.php") }
+ subscribes :run, "subversion[#{site_directory}]"
+ end
+ ssl_certificate new_resource.site do
+ domains [new_resource.site] + Array(new_resource.aliases)
+ end
+ php_fpm new_resource.site do
+ pm_max_children new_resource.fpm_max_children
+ pm_start_servers new_resource.fpm_start_servers
+ pm_min_spare_servers new_resource.fpm_min_spare_servers
+ pm_max_spare_servers new_resource.fpm_max_spare_servers
+ request_terminate_timeout new_resource.fpm_request_terminate_timeout
+ php_admin_values "open_basedir" => "#{site_directory}/:/usr/share/php/:/tmp/",
+ "disable_functions" => "exec,shell_exec,system,passthru,popen,proc_open"
+ php_values "upload_max_filesize" => "70M",
+ "post_max_size" => "100M",
+ "memory_limit" => "368M"
+ prometheus_port new_resource.fpm_prometheus_port
+ end
+ apache_site new_resource.site do
+ cookbook "wordpress"
+ template "apache.erb"
+ directory site_directory
+ variables :aliases => Array(new_resource.aliases),
+ :urls => new_resource.urls
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+ wordpress_plugin "wp-fail2ban" do
+ site new_resource.site
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+ wordpress_plugin "wp-2fa" do
+ site new_resource.site
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+ wordpress_plugin "wp-last-login" do
+ site new_resource.site
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+action :delete do
+ wordpress_plugin "wp-last-login" do
+ action :delete
+ site new_resource.site
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+ wordpress_plugin "wp-2fa" do
+ action :delete
+ site new_resource.site
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+ wordpress_plugin "wp-fail2ban" do
+ action :delete
+ site new_resource.site
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+ apache_site new_resource.site do
+ action :delete
+ reload_apache false
+ end
+ declare_resource :directory, site_directory do
+ action :delete
+ recursive true
+ end
+ mysql_database new_resource.database_name do
+ action :drop
+ end
+ mysql_user "#{new_resource.database_user}@localhost" do
+ action :drop
+ end
+action_class do
+ include OpenStreetMap::Mixin::EditFile
+ include OpenStreetMap::Mixin::PersistentToken
+ def site_directory
+ new_resource.directory || "/srv/#{new_resource.site}"
+ end
def after_created
notifies :reload, "service[apache2]" if reload_apache