+disks = if node[:hardware][:disk]
+ node[:hardware][:disk][:disks]
+ else
+ []
+ end
+intel_ssds = disks.select { |d| d[:vendor] == "INTEL" && d[:model] =~ /^SSD/ }
+nvmes = if node[:hardware][:pci]
+ node[:hardware][:pci].values.select { |pci| pci[:driver] == "nvme" }
+ else
+ []
+ end
+unless nvmes.empty?
+ package "nvme-cli"
+intel_nvmes = nvmes.select { |pci| pci[:vendor_name] == "Intel Corporation" }
+if !intel_ssds.empty? || !intel_nvmes.empty?
+ package "unzip"
+ intel_mas_tool_version = "1.10"
+ intel_mas_package_version = "#{intel_mas_tool_version}.155-0"
+ remote_file "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/Intel_MAS_CLI_Tool_#{intel_mas_tool_version}_Linux.zip" do
+ source "https://downloadmirror.intel.com/646992/Intel_MAS_CLI_Tool_Linux_#{intel_mas_tool_version}-v2.zip"
+ end
+ execute "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/Intel_MAS_CLI_Tool_#{intel_mas_tool_version}_Linux.zip" do
+ command "unzip Intel_MAS_CLI_Tool_#{intel_mas_tool_version}_Linux.zip intelmas_#{intel_mas_package_version}_amd64.deb"
+ cwd Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
+ user "root"
+ group "root"
+ not_if { ::File.exist?("#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/intelmas_#{intel_mas_package_version}_amd64.deb") }
+ end
+ dpkg_package "intelmas" do
+ version "#{intel_mas_package_version}"
+ source "#{Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]}/intelmas_#{intel_mas_package_version}_amd64.deb"
+ end
+ dpkg_package "isdct" do
+ action :purge
+ end
+disks = disks.map do |disk|
+ next if disk[:state] == "spun_down" || %w[unconfigured failed].any?(disk[:status])
+ if disk[:smart_device]
+ controller = node[:hardware][:disk][:controllers][disk[:controller]]
+ if controller && controller[:device]
+ device = controller[:device].sub("/dev/", "")
+ smart = disk[:smart_device]
+ if device.start_with?("cciss/") && smart =~ /^cciss,(\d+)$/
+ array = node[:hardware][:disk][:arrays][disk[:arrays].first]
+ munin = "cciss-3#{array[:wwn]}-#{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
+ elsif smart =~ /^.*,(\d+)$/
+ munin = "#{device}-#{Regexp.last_match(1)}"
+ elsif smart =~ %r{^.*,(\d+)/(\d+)$}
+ munin = "#{device}-#{Regexp.last_match(1)}:#{Regexp.last_match(2)}"
+ end
+ elsif disk[:device]
+ device = disk[:device].sub("/dev/", "")
+ smart = disk[:smart_device]
+ if smart =~ /^.*,(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)$/
+ munin = "#{device}-#{Regexp.last_match(1)}:#{Regexp.last_match(2)}:#{Regexp.last_match(3)}"
+ end
+ end
+ elsif disk[:device] =~ %r{^/dev/(nvme\d+)n\d+$}
+ device = Regexp.last_match(1)
+ munin = device
+ elsif disk[:device]
+ device = disk[:device].sub("/dev/", "")
+ munin = device
+ end
+ next if device.nil?
+ Hash[
+ :device => device,
+ :smart => smart,
+ :munin => munin,
+ :hddtemp => munin.tr("-:", "_")
+ ]
+disks = disks.compact.uniq
+if disks.count.positive?
+ package "smartmontools"
+ template "/etc/cron.daily/update-smart-drivedb" do
+ source "update-smart-drivedb.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "755"
+ end
+ template "/usr/local/bin/smartd-mailer" do
+ source "smartd-mailer.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "755"
+ end
+ template "/etc/smartd.conf" do
+ source "smartd.conf.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+ variables :disks => disks
+ end
+ template "/etc/default/smartmontools" do
+ source "smartmontools.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+ end
+ service "smartmontools" do
+ action [:enable, :start]
+ subscribes :reload, "template[/etc/smartd.conf]"
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/default/smartmontools]"
+ end
+ template "/etc/prometheus/collectors/smart.devices" do
+ source "smart.devices.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+ variables :disks => disks
+ end
+ prometheus_collector "smart" do
+ interval "15m"
+ end
+ # Don't try and do munin monitoring of disks behind
+ # an Areca controller as they only allow one thing to
+ # talk to the controller at a time and smartd will
+ # throw errors if it clashes with munin
+ disks = disks.reject { |disk| disk[:smart]&.start_with?("areca,") }
+ disks.each do |disk|
+ munin_plugin "smart_#{disk[:munin]}" do
+ target "smart_"
+ conf "munin.smart.erb"
+ conf_variables :disk => disk
+ end
+ end
+ service "smartd" do
+ action [:stop, :disable]
+ end
+if disks.count.positive?
+ munin_plugin "hddtemp_smartctl" do
+ conf "munin.hddtemp.erb"
+ conf_variables :disks => disks
+ end
+ munin_plugin "hddtemp_smartctl" do
+ action :delete
+ conf "munin.hddtemp.erb"
+ end
+plugins = Dir.glob("/etc/munin/plugins/smart_*").map { |p| File.basename(p) } -
+ disks.map { |d| "smart_#{d[:munin]}" }
+plugins.each do |plugin|
+ munin_plugin plugin do
+ action :delete
+ conf "munin.smart.erb"
+ end
+if File.exist?("/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf")
+ mdadm_conf = edit_file "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" do |line|
+ line.gsub!(/^MAILADDR .*$/, "MAILADDR admins@openstreetmap.org")
+ line
+ end
+ file "/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf" do
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+ content mdadm_conf
+ end
+ service "mdadm" do
+ action :nothing
+ subscribes :restart, "file[/etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf]"
+ end
+file "/etc/modules" do
+ action :delete
+node[:hardware][:modules].each do |module_name|
+ kernel_module module_name do
+ action :install
+ not_if { kitchen? }
+ end
+node[:hardware][:blacklisted_modules].each do |module_name|
+ kernel_module module_name do
+ action :blacklist
+ end