def add_comments(xml, cs)
# grab the visible changeset comments as well
- res = @conn.exec("select cc.author_id, u.display_name as author, cc.body, cc.created_at from changeset_comments cc join users u on where cc.changeset_id=#{} and cc.visible order by cc.created_at asc")
+ res = @conn.exec("select, cc.author_id, u.display_name as author, cc.body, (cc.created_at at time zone 'utc') as created_at from changeset_comments cc join users u on where cc.changeset_id=#{} and cc.visible order by cc.created_at asc")
xml["comments_count"] = res.num_tuples.to_s
# early return if there aren't any comments
discussion ="discussion")
res.each do |row|
comment ="comment")
+ comment["id"] = row["id"]
comment["uid"] = row["author_id"]
comment["user"] = xml_sanitize(row["author"])
comment["date"] = Time.parse(row["created_at"]).getutc.xmlschema
# sync a directory to guarantee it's on disk. have to recurse to the root
# to guarantee sync for newly created directories.
def fdirsync(d)
- while d != "/"
+ while d != "/" && d != "."
d = File.dirname(d)
class Replicator
def initialize(config)
@config = YAML.safe_load(
- @state = YAML.safe_load(["state_file"]), [Time])
+ @state = YAML.safe_load(["state_file"]), :permitted_classes => [Time], :fallback => {})
@conn = PG::Connection.connect(@config["db"])
# get current time from the database rather than the current system
@now = @conn.exec("select now() as now").map { |row| Time.parse(row["now"]) }[0]
# for us to look at anything that was closed recently, and filter from
# there.
changesets = @conn
- .exec("select id, created_at, closed_at, num_changes from changesets where closed_at > ((now() at time zone 'utc') - '1 hour'::interval)")
+ .exec("select id, (created_at at time zone 'utc') as created_at, (closed_at at time zone 'utc') as closed_at, num_changes from changesets where (closed_at at time zone 'utc') > ((now() at time zone 'utc') - '1 hour'::interval)")
.map { |row| }
.select { |cs| cs.activity_between?(last_run, @now) }
# but also add any changesets which have new comments
new_ids = @conn
- .exec("select distinct changeset_id from changeset_comments where created_at >= '#{last_run}' and created_at < '#{@now}' and visible")
+ .exec("select distinct changeset_id from changeset_comments where (created_at at time zone 'utc') >= '#{last_run}' and (created_at at time zone 'utc') < '#{@now}' and visible")
.map { |row| row["changeset_id"].to_i }
.reject { |c_id| cs_ids.include?(c_id) }
new_ids.each do |id|
- .exec("select id, created_at, closed_at, num_changes from changesets where id=#{id}")
+ .exec("select id, (created_at at time zone 'utc') as created_at, (closed_at at time zone 'utc') as closed_at, num_changes from changesets where id=#{id}")
.map { |row| }
.each { |cs| changesets << cs }
if @config["s3_dir"]
s3_file = s3_stem + ".osm.gz"
- s3_state_config_file = @config["s3_dir"] + "/state.yaml"
s3_state_file = s3_stem + ".state.txt"
+ s3_state_config_file = @config["s3_dir"] + "/state.yaml"
system("/opt/awscli/v2/current/bin/aws", "--profile=osm-pds-upload", "s3", "cp", "--storage-class=INTELLIGENT_TIERING", "--no-progress", data_file, s3_file)
- system("/opt/awscli/v2/current/bin/aws", "--profile=osm-pds-upload", "s3", "cp", "--storage-class=INTELLIGENT_TIERING", "--no-progress", @config["state_file"], s3_state_config_file)
system("/opt/awscli/v2/current/bin/aws", "--profile=osm-pds-upload", "s3", "cp", "--storage-class=INTELLIGENT_TIERING", "--no-progress", data_state_file, s3_state_file)
+ system("/opt/awscli/v2/current/bin/aws", "--profile=osm-pds-upload", "s3", "cp", "--storage-class=INTELLIGENT_TIERING", "--no-progress", @config["state_file"], s3_state_config_file)