+ digest = OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new
+ certificate_id = OpenSSL::OCSP::CertificateId.new(certificate, issuer, digest)
+ ocsp_request = OpenSSL::OCSP::Request.new.add_certid(certificate_id)
+ authority_info_access = certificate.extensions.find { |ext| ext.oid == "authorityInfoAccess" }
+ ocsp = authority_info_access.value.split("\n").find { |desc| desc.start_with?("OCSP") }
+ ocsp_uri = URI(ocsp.sub(/^.* URI:/, ""))
+ http_response = Net::HTTP.start(ocsp_uri.hostname, ocsp_uri.port) do |http|
+ path = ocsp_uri.path
+ path = "/" if path.empty?
+ http.post(path, ocsp_request.to_der, "Content-Type" => "application/ocsp-request")
+ end
+ basic_response = OpenSSL::OCSP::Response.new(http_response.body).basic
+ store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new
+ store.set_default_paths
+ unless basic_response.verify(chain, store)
+ raise "OCSP response is not signed by a trusted certificate"
+ end
+ single_response = basic_response.find_response(certificate_id)
+ unless single_response
+ raise "OCSP response does not have the status for the certificate"
+ end
+ unless single_response.check_validity
+ raise "OCSP response is not valid"
+ end
+ if single_response.cert_status == OpenSSL::OCSP::V_CERTSTATUS_REVOKED
+ puts "Certificate #{domains.first} on #{host} has been revoked"
+ end