-directory "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}" do
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "755"
-execute "/opt/osmdbt/CMakeLists.txt" do
- action :nothing
- command "cmake -DPG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/#{db_version}/bin/pg_config .."
- cwd "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}"
- user "root"
- group "root"
- subscribes :run, "git[/opt/osmdbt]"
-execute "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}/postgresql-plugin/Makefile" do
- action :nothing
- command "make"
- cwd "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}/postgresql-plugin"
- user "root"
- group "root"
- subscribes :run, "execute[/opt/osmdbt/CMakeLists.txt]"
-link "/usr/lib/postgresql/#{db_version}/lib/osm-logical.so" do
- to "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}/postgresql-plugin/osm-logical.so"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
+node[:postgresql][:versions].each do |db_version|
+ directory "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}" do
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "755"
+ end
+ execute "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "cmake -DPG_CONFIG=/usr/lib/postgresql/#{db_version}/bin/pg_config .."
+ cwd "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}"
+ user "root"
+ group "root"
+ subscribes :run, "directory[/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}]"
+ subscribes :run, "git[/opt/osmdbt]"
+ end
+ execute "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}/postgresql-plugin/Makefile" do
+ action :nothing
+ command "make"
+ cwd "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}/postgresql-plugin"
+ user "root"
+ group "root"
+ subscribes :run, "execute[/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}]"
+ end
+ link "/usr/lib/postgresql/#{db_version}/lib/osm-logical.so" do
+ to "/opt/osmdbt/build-#{db_version}/postgresql-plugin/osm-logical.so"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ end