-ulimit -m 4194304 -v 4194304
-set -e
-if [ -f /tmp/planetdump.lock ]; then
- if [ "$(ps -p `cat /tmp/planetdump.lock` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
- # process is still running
- echo Error: Another planetdump is running
- exit 1
- else
- # process not running, but lock file not deleted?
- rm /tmp/planetdump.lock
- fi
-#Create Lock
-echo $$ > /tmp/planetdump.lock
+# DO NOT EDIT - This file is being maintained by Chef
-cur_date=`date +%y%m%d`
-cur_year=`date +%Y`
-export CONNECTION_PARAMS='dbname=openstreetmap host=localhost user=planetdump password=<%= @password %>'
-export PATH='/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11'
+# Exit on error
+set -e
+# Get the name of the file and the expected pattern
-if [ \! -d ${planet_dir}/planet/ ]
- then
- echo ${planet_dir}planet/ does not exist
- exit 1
- fi
-if [ \! -d ${planet_dir}/planet/${cur_year}/ ]; then mkdir ${planet_dir}/planet/${cur_year}/; fi
-cd ${planet_dir}/planet/${cur_year}/
+# Give up now if the file isn't a database dump
+[[ $file =~ $pattern ]] || exit 0
-/opt/planetdump/planet06_pg | pbzip2 -p6 -7c > .${cur_planet}.bz2.new
-/opt/planetdump/planet06_pg --changesets | pbzip2 -p6 -9c > .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new
+# Save the year and date from the file name
-planet_size=$(du -sb .${cur_planet}.bz2.new | awk '{ print $1 }')
-changeset_size=$(du -sb .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new | awk '{ print $1 }')
-if ((planet_size<28000000000)); then
- echo Planet .${cur_planet}.bz2.new too small
- exit 1
-if ((changeset_size<600000000)); then
- echo Changeset .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new too small
- exit 1
+# Check the lock
+if [ -f /tmp/planetdump.lock ]; then
+ if [ "$(ps -p `cat /tmp/planetdump.lock` | wc -l)" -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo "Error: Another planetdump is running"
+ exit 1
+ else
+ rm /tmp/planetdump.lock
+ fi
-mv .${cur_planet}.bz2.new ${cur_planet}.bz2
-mv .${cur_changeset}.bz2.new ${cur_changeset}.bz2
-md5sum ${cur_planet}.bz2 > ${cur_planet}.bz2.md5
-md5sum ${cur_changeset}.bz2 > ${cur_changeset}.bz2.md5
-#link planet latest to the new file
-cd ${planet_dir}/planet/
-ln -fs ${cur_year}/${cur_planet}.bz2 planet-latest.osm.bz2
-ln -fs ${cur_year}/${cur_changeset}.bz2 changesets-latest.osm.bz2
-# mangle md5 files for 'latest' ones
-rm -f planet-latest.osm.bz2.md5
-rm -f changesets-latest.osm.bz2.md5
-sed -e "s/${cur_planet}.bz2/planet-latest.osm.bz2/" ${cur_year}/${cur_planet}.bz2.md5 > planet-latest.osm.bz2.md5
-sed -e "s/${cur_changeset}.bz2/changesets-latest.osm.bz2/" ${cur_year}/${cur_changeset}.bz2.md5 > changesets-latest.osm.bz2.md5
-rm /tmp/planetdump.lock
+# Create lock file
+echo $$ > /tmp/planetdump.lock
+# Define cleanup function
+function cleanup {
+ # Remove the lock file
+ rm /tmp/planetdump.lock
+# Remove lock on exit
+trap cleanup EXIT
+# Change to working directory
+cd /store/planetdump
+# Cleanup
+rm -rf users
+rm -rf changesets changeset_tags changeset_comments
+rm -rf nodes node_tags
+rm -rf ways way_tags way_nodes
+rm -rf relations relation_tags relation_members
+# Run the dump
+time nice -n 19 /opt/planet-dump-ng/planet-dump-ng \
+ --max-concurrency=4 \
+ -c "pbzip2 -c" -f "/store/backup/${file}" --dense-nodes=1 \
+ -C "changesets-${date}.osm.bz2" \
+ -D "discussions-${date}.osm.bz2" \
+ -x "planet-${date}.osm.bz2" -X "history-${date}.osm.bz2" \
+ -p "planet-${date}.osm.pbf" -P "history-${date}.osm.pbf"
+# Function to create bittorrent files
+function mk_torrent {
+ type="$1"
+ format="$2"
+ dir="$3"
+ s_year="$4"
+ web_dir="${dir}${s_year}"
+ name="${type}-${date}.osm.${format}"
+ web_path="${web_dir}/${name}"
+ rss_web_dir="https://planet.openstreetmap.org/${dir}"
+ rss_file="${type}-${format}-rss.xml"
+ torrent_file="${name}.torrent"
+ torrent_url="${rss_web_dir}${s_year}/${torrent_file}"
+ # create .torrent file
+ mktorrent -l 22 "${name}" \
+ -a udp://tracker.opentrackr.org:1337 \
+ -a udp://tracker.datacenterlight.ch:6969/announce,http://tracker.datacenterlight.ch:6969/announce \
+ -a udp://tracker.torrent.eu.org:451 \
+ -a udp://tracker-udp.gbitt.info:80/announce,http://tracker.gbitt.info/announce,https://tracker.gbitt.info/announce \
+ -a http://retracker.local/announce \
+ -w "https://planet.openstreetmap.org/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/misc/openstreetmap/planet.openstreetmap.org/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://ftpmirror.your.org/pub/openstreetmap/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://mirror.init7.net/openstreetmap/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://free.nchc.org.tw/osm.planet/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://ftp.fau.de/osm-planet/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://ftp.spline.de/pub/openstreetmap/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://osm.openarchive.site/${name}" \
+ -w "https://downloads.opencagedata.com/planet/${name}" \
+ -w "https://planet.osm-hr.org/${web_path}" \
+ -w "https://planet.maps.mail.ru/${web_path}" \
+ -c "OpenStreetMap ${type} data export, licensed under https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/ by OpenStreetMap contributors" \
+ -o "${torrent_file}" > /dev/null
+ # create .xml global RSS headers if missing
+ torrent_time_rfc="$(date -R -r ${torrent_file})"
+ test -f "${rss_file}" || echo "<x/>" | xmlstarlet select --xml-decl --indent \
+ -N "atom=http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" \
+ -N "dcterms=http://purl.org/dc/terms/" \
+ -N "content=http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/" \
+ --encode "UTF-8" \
+ --template \
+ --match / \
+ --elem "rss" \
+ --attr "version" --output "2.0" --break \
+ --attr "atom:DUMMY" --break \
+ --elem "channel" \
+ --elem "title" --output "OpenStreetMap ${type} ${format} torrent RSS" --break \
+ --elem "link" --output "${rss_web_dir}" --break \
+ --elem "atom:link" \
+ --attr "href" --output "${rss_web_dir}/${rss_file}" --break \
+ --attr "rel" --output "self" --break \
+ --attr "type" --output "application/rss+xml" --break \
+ --break \
+ --elem "description" --output "${type}.osm.${format}.torrent RSS feed" --break \
+ --elem "copyright" --output "Source: OpenStreetMap contributors, under ODbL 1.0 licence" --break \
+ --elem "generator" --output "OpenStreetMap xmlstarlet powered shell script v1.0" --break \
+ --elem "language" --output "en" --break \
+ --elem "lastBuildDate" --output "${torrent_time_rfc}" \
+ > "${rss_file}"
+ # add newly created .torrent file as new entry to .xml RSS feed, removing excess entries
+ torrent_size="$(stat --format="%s" ${torrent_file})"
+ xmlstarlet edit --inplace \
+ -a "//lastBuildDate" -t elem -n item -v "" \
+ -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "title" -v "${torrent_file}" \
+ -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "guid" -v "${torrent_url}" \
+ -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "link" -v "${torrent_url}" \
+ -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "pubDate" -v "${torrent_time_rfc}" \
+ -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "category" -v "OpenStreetMap data" \
+ -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "enclosure" \
+ -s "//item[1]"/enclosure -t attr -n "type" -v "application/x-bittorrent" \
+ -s "//item[1]"/enclosure -t attr -n "length" -v "${torrent_size}" \
+ -s "//item[1]"/enclosure -t attr -n "url" -v "${torrent_url}" \
+ -s "//item[1]" -t elem -n "description" -v "OpenStreetMap torrent ${torrent_file}" \
+ -u /rss/channel/lastBuildDate -v "${torrent_time_rfc}" \
+ -d /rss/@atom:DUMMY \
+ -d "//item[position()>5]" \
+ "${rss_file}"
+# Function to install a dump in place
+function install_dump {
+ type="$1"
+ format="$2"
+ dir="$3"
+ year="$4"
+ name="${type}-${date}.osm.${format}"
+ latest="${type}-latest.osm.${format}"
+ rss_file="${type}-${format}-rss.xml"
+ md5sum "${name}" > "${name}.md5"
+ mkdir -p "${dir}/${year}"
+ mv "${name}" "${name}.md5" "${dir}/${year}"
+ ln -sf "${year:-.}/${name}" "${dir}/${latest}"
+ test -f "${name}.torrent" && mv "${name}.torrent" "${dir}/${year}" && ln -sf "${year:-.}/${name}.torrent" "${dir}/${latest}.torrent"
+ test -f "${rss_file}" && xmllint --noout "${rss_file}" && cp -f "${rss_file}" "${dir}"
+ rm -f "${dir}/${latest}.md5"
+ sed -e "s/${name}/${latest}/" "${dir}/${year}/${name}.md5" > "${dir}/${latest}.md5"
+# Create *.torrent files
+mk_torrent "changesets" "bz2" "planet" "/${year}"
+mk_torrent "discussions" "bz2" "planet" "/${year}"
+mk_torrent "planet" "bz2" "planet" "/${year}"
+mk_torrent "history" "bz2" "planet/full-history" "/${year}"
+mk_torrent "planet" "pbf" "pbf"
+mk_torrent "history" "pbf" "pbf/full-history"
+# Move dumps into place
+install_dump "changesets" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_directory] %>" "${year}"
+install_dump "discussions" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_directory] %>" "${year}"
+install_dump "planet" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_directory] %>" "${year}"
+install_dump "history" "bz2" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:xml_history_directory] %>" "${year}"
+install_dump "planet" "pbf" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:pbf_directory] %>"
+install_dump "history" "pbf" "<%= node[:planet][:dump][:pbf_history_directory] %>"