-# Cookbook Name:: exim
+# Cookbook:: exim
# Recipe:: default
-# Copyright 2011, OpenStreetMap Foundation
+# Copyright:: 2011, OpenStreetMap Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# limitations under the License.
+include_recipe "munin"
include_recipe "networking"
package %w[
-package "exim4-daemon-heavy" if File.exist?("/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl")
+package "exim4-daemon-heavy" do
+ only_if { ::File.exist?("/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl") }
group "ssl-cert" do
action :modify
search(:node, "exim_smarthost_via:#{node[:exim][:smarthost_name]}\\:*").each do |host|
relay_from_hosts |= host.ipaddresses(:role => :external)
+ domains = node[:exim][:certificate_names].select { |c| c =~ /^a\.mx\./ }.collect { |c| c.sub(/^a\.mx./, "") }
+ primary_domain = domains.first
+ directory "/srv/mta-sts.#{primary_domain}" do
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode 0o755
+ end
+ domains.each do |domain|
+ template "/srv/mta-sts.#{primary_domain}/#{domain}.txt" do
+ source "mta-sts.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode 0o644
+ variables :domain => domain
+ end
+ end
+ ssl_certificate "mta-sts.#{primary_domain}" do
+ domains domains.collect { |d| "mta-sts.#{d}" }
+ notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"
+ end
+ apache_site "mta-sts.#{primary_domain}" do
+ template "apache-mta-sts.erb"
+ directory "/srv/mta-sts.#{primary_domain}"
+ variables :domains => domains
+ end
file "/etc/exim4/blocked-senders" do
mode 0o644
+if node[:exim][:dkim_selectors]
+ keys = data_bag_item("exim", "dkim")
+ template "/etc/exim4/dkim-domains" do
+ owner "root"
+ source "dkim-domains.erb"
+ group "Debian-exim"
+ mode 0o644
+ end
+ template "/etc/exim4/dkim-selectors" do
+ owner "root"
+ source "dkim-selectors.erb"
+ group "Debian-exim"
+ mode 0o644
+ end
+ directory "/etc/exim4/dkim-keys" do
+ owner "root"
+ group "Debian-exim"
+ mode 0o755
+ end
+ node[:exim][:dkim_selectors].each do |domain, _selector|
+ file "/etc/exim4/dkim-keys/#{domain}" do
+ content keys[domain].join("\n")
+ owner "root"
+ group "Debian-exim"
+ mode 0o640
+ end
+ end
template "/etc/exim4/exim4.conf" do
source "exim4.conf.erb"
owner "root"
-if node[:exim][:smarthost_via] # ~FC023
+if node[:exim][:smarthost_via]
firewall_rule "deny-outbound-smtp" do
action :reject
source "fw"