include_recipe "apt"
include_recipe "git"
include_recipe "geoipupdate"
-include_recipe "munin"
include_recipe "nodejs"
include_recipe "passenger"
+include_recipe "ruby"
include_recipe "tools"
include_recipe "web::base"
db_passwords = data_bag_item("db", "passwords")
ssl_certificate "" do
- domains ["", "",
+ domains ["", "", "",
"", "",
"", "",
"", "",
- "", ""]
+ "", "", ""]
notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"
nodejs_package "svgo"
-template "/etc/cron.hourly/passenger" do
- cookbook "web"
- source "passenger.cron.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode 0o755
-ruby_version = node[:passenger][:ruby_version]
rails_directory = "#{node[:web][:base_directory]}/rails"
-piwik = data_bag_item("web", "piwik")
+matomo = data_bag_item("web", "matomo")
storage = {
- "aws" => {
+ "avatars" => {
"service" => "S3",
"access_key_id" => "AKIASQUXHPE7AMJQRFOS",
"secret_access_key" => web_passwords["aws_key"],
"acl" => "public-read",
"cache_control" => "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
+ },
+ "gps_traces" => {
+ "service" => "S3",
+ "access_key_id" => "AKIASQUXHPE7AMJQRFOS",
+ "secret_access_key" => web_passwords["aws_key"],
+ "region" => "eu-west-1",
+ "bucket" => "openstreetmap-gps-traces",
+ "use_dualstack_endpoint" => true,
+ "upload" => {
+ "acl" => "public-read",
+ "cache_control" => "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
+ }
+ },
+ "gps_images" => {
+ "service" => "S3",
+ "access_key_id" => "AKIASQUXHPE7AMJQRFOS",
+ "secret_access_key" => web_passwords["aws_key"],
+ "region" => "eu-west-1",
+ "bucket" => "openstreetmap-gps-images",
+ "use_dualstack_endpoint" => true,
+ "upload" => {
+ "acl" => "public-read",
+ "cache_control" => "public, max-age=31536000, immutable"
+ }
+db_host = if node[:web][:status] == "database_readonly"
+ node[:web][:readonly_database_host]
+ else
+ node[:web][:database_host]
+ end
rails_port "" do
- ruby ruby_version
directory rails_directory
user "rails"
group "rails"
repository ""
revision "live"
- database_host node[:web][:database_host]
+ database_host db_host
database_name "openstreetmap"
database_username "rails"
database_password db_passwords["rails"]
email_from "OpenStreetMap <>"
status node[:web][:status]
messages_domain ""
- gpx_dir "/store/rails/gpx"
- attachments_dir "/store/rails/attachments"
log_path "#{node[:web][:log_directory]}/rails.log"
logstash_path "#{node[:web][:log_directory]}/rails-logstash.log"
memcache_servers node[:web][:memcached_servers]
potlatch2_key web_passwords["potlatch2_key"]
id_key web_passwords["id_key"]
+ id_application web_passwords["id_application"]
oauth_key web_passwords["oauth_key"]
- piwik_configuration "location" => piwik[:location],
- "site" => piwik[:site],
- "goals" => piwik[:goals].to_hash
+ oauth_application web_passwords["oauth_application"]
+ matomo_configuration "location" => matomo[:location],
+ "site" => matomo[:site],
+ "visitor_cookie_timeout" => matomo[:visitor_cookie_timeout],
+ "referral_cookie_timeout" => matomo[:referral_cookie_timeout],
+ "session_cookie_timeout" => matomo[:session_cookie_timeout],
+ "goals" => matomo[:goals].to_hash
google_auth_id ""
google_auth_secret web_passwords["google_auth_secret"]
google_openid_realm ""
facebook_auth_id "427915424036881"
facebook_auth_secret web_passwords["facebook_auth_secret"]
- windowslive_auth_id "0000000040153C51"
- windowslive_auth_secret web_passwords["windowslive_auth_secret"]
+ microsoft_auth_id "e34f14f1-f790-40f3-9fa4-3c5f1a027c38"
+ microsoft_auth_secret web_passwords["microsoft_auth_secret"]
github_auth_id "acf7da34edee99e35499"
github_auth_secret web_passwords["github_auth_secret"]
wikipedia_auth_id "e4fe0c2c5855d23ed7e1f1c0fa1f1c58"
wikipedia_auth_secret web_passwords["wikipedia_auth_secret"]
thunderforest_key web_passwords["thunderforest_key"]
+ tracestrack_key web_passwords["tracestrack_key"]
totp_key web_passwords["totp_key"]
csp_enforce true
trace_use_job_queue true
diary_feed_delay 12
storage_configuration storage
- storage_service "aws"
- storage_url ""
+ avatar_storage "avatars"
+ trace_file_storage "gps_traces"
+ trace_image_storage "gps_images"
+ trace_icon_storage "gps_images"
+ avatar_storage_url ""
+ trace_image_storage_url ""
+ overpass_url ""
+ overpass_credentials true
+ signup_ip_per_day 24
+ signup_ip_max_burst 48
+ signup_email_per_day 1
+ signup_email_max_burst 2
+ doorkeeper_signing_key web_passwords["openid_connect_key"].join("\n")
+ user_account_deletion_delay 7 * 24
+ # Requests to modify the imagery blacklist should come from the DWG only
+ imagery_blacklist [
+ # Current Google imagery URLs have google or googleapis in the domain
+ ".*\\.google(apis)?\\..*/.*",
+ # Blacklist VWorld
+ "http://xdworld\\.vworld\\.kr:8080/.*",
+ # Blacklist here
+ ".*\\.here\\.com[/:].*",
+ # Blacklist
+ ".*\\.mapy\\.cz.*",
+ # Blacklist Yandex
+ ".*\\.api-maps\\.yandex\\.ru/.*",
+ ".*\\.maps\\.yandex\\.net/.*"
+ ]
systemd_service "rails-jobs@" do
description "Rails job queue runner"
type "simple"
- environment "RAILS_ENV" => "production", "QUEUE" => "%I"
+ environment "RAILS_ENV" => "production",
+ "QUEUE" => "%I",
+ "SLEEP_DELAY" => "60",
+ "SECRET_KEY_BASE" => web_passwords["secret_key_base"]
user "rails"
working_directory rails_directory
- exec_start "/usr/local/bin/bundle#{ruby_version} exec rake jobs:work"
+ exec_start "#{node[:ruby][:bundle]} exec rails jobs:work"
restart "on-failure"
- private_tmp true
- private_devices true
- protect_system "full"
- protect_home true
- no_new_privileges true
+ nice 10
+ sandbox :enable_network => true
+ memory_deny_write_execute false
+ read_write_paths "/var/log/web"
package "libjson-xs-perl"
source "cleanup-assets.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0o755
+ mode "755"
-gem_package "apachelogregex"
-gem_package "file-tail"
+gem_package "apachelogregex" do
+ gem_binary node[:ruby][:gem]
+gem_package "file-tail" do
+ gem_binary node[:ruby][:gem]
template "/usr/local/bin/api-statistics" do
source "api-statistics.erb"
owner "root"
group "root"
- mode 0o755
+ mode "755"
systemd_service "api-statistics" do
user "rails"
group "adm"
exec_start "/usr/local/bin/api-statistics"
- private_tmp true
- private_devices true
- private_network true
- protect_system "full"
- protect_home true
- no_new_privileges true
+ nice 10
+ sandbox true
+ read_write_paths [
+ "/srv/",
+ "/var/lib/prometheus/node-exporter"
+ ]
restart "on-failure"
subscribes :restart, "systemd_service[api-statistics]"
-gem_package "hpricot"
-munin_plugin "api_calls_status"
-munin_plugin "api_calls_num"
-munin_plugin "api_calls_#{node[:hostname]}" do
- target "api_calls_"
-munin_plugin "api_waits_#{node[:hostname]}" do
- target "api_waits_"
+gem_package "hpricot" do
+ gem_binary node[:ruby][:gem]