-require 'rubygems'
-require 'proj4'
-require 'xml/libxml'
-require 'set'
-require 'time'
-require 'mmap'
+require "rubygems"
+require "proj4"
+require "xml/libxml"
+require "set"
+require "time"
+require "simple-mmap"
module Expire
# projection object to go from latlon -> spherical mercator
# generate the path
hash_path = (0..4).collect do |i|
(((x >> 4 * i) & 0xf) << 4) | ((y >> 4 * i) & 0xf)
- end.reverse.join('/')
- z.to_s + '/' + hash_path + ".meta"
+ end.reverse.join("/")
+ z.to_s + "/" + hash_path + ".meta"
# time to reset to, some very stupidly early time, before OSM started
# we put all the nodes into the hash, as it doesn't matter whether the node was
# added, deleted or modified - the tile will need updating anyway.
- doc.find('//node').each do |node|
- lat = node['lat'].to_f
+ doc.find("//node").each do |node|
+ lat = node["lat"].to_f
if lat < -85
lat = -85
if lat > 85
lat = 85
- point = Proj4::Point.new(Math::PI * node['lon'].to_f / 180,
+ point = Proj4::Point.new(Math::PI * node["lon"].to_f / 180,
Math::PI * lat / 180)
- nodes[node['id'].to_i] = tile_from_latlon(point, max_zoom)
+ nodes[node["id"].to_i] = tile_from_latlon(point, max_zoom)
# now we look for all the ways that have changed and put all of their nodes into
# itself deleted and the coverage of the point set isn't enough to encompass the
# change.
node_cache = NodeCache.new(NODE_CACHE_FILE)
- doc.find('//way/nd').each do |node|
- node_id = node['ref'].to_i
+ doc.find("//way/nd").each do |node|
+ node_id = node["ref"].to_i
next if nodes.include? node_id
# open the cache
def initialize(filename)
- @cache = Mmap.new(filename)
+ @cache = SimpleMmap::FileWindow.open(filename)
throw "Unexpected format" unless @cache[0..3].unpack("l").first == 1
throw "Unexpected ID size" unless @cache[4..7].unpack("l").first == 8