-# Cookbook Name:: apt
+# Cookbook:: apt
# Recipe:: default
-# Copyright 2010, Tom Hughes
+# Copyright:: 2010, Tom Hughes
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
uri "ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable"
+apt_repository "maxmind" do
+ action repository_actions["maxmind"]
+ uri "ppa:maxmind/ppa"
apt_repository "openstreetmap" do
action repository_actions["openstreetmap"]
uri "ppa:osmadmins/ppa"
uri "ppa:osmadmins/squid3"
+apt_repository "squid4" do
+ action repository_actions["squid4"]
+ uri "ppa:osmadmins/squid4"
apt_repository "management-component-pack" do
action repository_actions["management-component-pack"]
uri "https://downloads.linux.hpe.com/SDR/repo/mcp"