+ # Wait for background jobs to finish
+ wait
+ # TIF cleanup loop for images which have no diff
+ while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' FILE; do
+ ( FILE_COLOURS=$(identify -quiet -format '%k' "${OSSV_DIFF_NAME}/${FILE}")
+ if [ "$FILE_COLOURS" -lt "2" ]; then
+ rm -f "${OSSV_DIFF_NAME}/${FILE}"
+ fi ) &
+ # Check how many background processes and wait if exceed
+ running=($(jobs -rp))
+ while [ ${#running[@]} -ge 16 ] ; do
+ sleep 1 # this is not optimal, but you can't use wait here
+ running=($(jobs -rp))
+ done
+ done < <(find "${OSSV_DIFF_NAME}" -maxdepth 1 -name '*.tif' -printf '%f\0')