[ -f sequence-prev.txt ] && mv sequence-prev.txt sequence.txt
-# Send output to the log
-exec > /var/log/tile/replicate.log 2>&1
# Change to the replication state directory
cd /var/lib/replicate
-<% if @postgresql_version >= 12 -%>
-# Disable JIT and parallel workers in postgres
-export PGOPTIONS="-c jit=off -c max_parallel_workers_per_gather=0"
-<% end -%>
# Install exit handler
trap onexit EXIT
echo "Fetched new data from $(cat sequence-prev.txt) to $(cat sequence.txt) into ${file}"
# Apply the changes to the database
- osm2pgsql --database gis --slim --append --number-processes=1 \
+ osm2pgsql --database gis --slim --append --number-processes=1 --log-progress=false \
<% if node[:tile][:database][:node_file] -%>
--flat-nodes=<%= node[:tile][:database][:node_file] %> \
<% end -%>