# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-include_recipe "wordpress"
-passwords = data_bag_item("stateofthemap", "passwords")
-git "/srv/stateofthemap.org" do
- action :sync
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "chooser"
- depth 1
- user "root"
- group "root"
-ssl_certificate "stateofthemap.org" do
- domains ["stateofthemap.org", "www.stateofthemap.org",
- "stateofthemap.com", "www.stateofthemap.com",
- "sotm.org", "www.sotm.org"]
- notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"
-apache_site "stateofthemap.org" do
- template "apache.erb"
- directory "/srv/stateofthemap.org"
-directory "/srv/2007.stateofthemap.org" do
- owner "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
- mode "755"
-wordpress_site "2007.stateofthemap.org" do
- aliases "2007.stateofthemap.com"
- directory "/srv/2007.stateofthemap.org/wp"
- database_name "sotm2007"
- database_user "sotm2007"
- database_password passwords["sotm2007"]
- database_prefix "wp_sotm_"
-wordpress_theme "2007.stateofthemap.org-refreshwp-11" do
- theme "refreshwp-11"
- site "2007.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "theme-2007"
-wordpress_plugin "2007.stateofthemap.org-geopress" do
- plugin "geopress"
- site "2007.stateofthemap.org"
-directory "/srv/2008.stateofthemap.org" do
- owner "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
- mode "755"
-wordpress_site "2008.stateofthemap.org" do
- aliases "2008.stateofthemap.com"
- directory "/srv/2008.stateofthemap.org/wp"
- database_name "sotm2008"
- database_user "sotm2008"
- database_password passwords["sotm2008"]
- database_prefix "wp_sotm08_"
-wordpress_theme "2008.stateofthemap.org-refreshwp-11" do
- theme "refreshwp-11"
- site "2008.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "theme-2008"
-wordpress_plugin "2008.stateofthemap.org-geopress" do
- plugin "geopress"
- site "2008.stateofthemap.org"
-directory "/srv/2009.stateofthemap.org" do
- owner "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
- mode "755"
-git "/srv/2009.stateofthemap.org" do
- action :sync
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "resources-2009"
- depth 1
- user "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
-wordpress_site "2009.stateofthemap.org" do
- aliases "2009.stateofthemap.com"
- directory "/srv/2009.stateofthemap.org/wp"
- database_name "sotm2009"
- database_user "sotm2009"
- database_password passwords["sotm2009"]
- urls "/register" => "/srv/2009.stateofthemap.org/register",
- "/register-pro-user" => "/srv/2009.stateofthemap.org/register-pro-user",
- "/podcasts" => "/srv/2009.stateofthemap.org/podcasts"
-wordpress_theme "2009.stateofthemap.org-aerodrome" do
- theme "aerodrome"
- site "2009.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "theme-2009"
-wordpress_plugin "2009.stateofthemap.org-wp-sticky" do
- plugin "wp-sticky"
- site "2009.stateofthemap.org"
-directory "/srv/2010.stateofthemap.org" do
- owner "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
- mode "755"
-git "/srv/2010.stateofthemap.org" do
- action :sync
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "resources-2010"
- depth 1
- user "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
-wordpress_site "2010.stateofthemap.org" do
- aliases "2010.stateofthemap.com"
- directory "/srv/2010.stateofthemap.org/wp"
- database_name "sotm2010"
- database_user "sotm2010"
- database_password passwords["sotm2010"]
- urls "/register" => "/srv/2010.stateofthemap.org/register"
-wordpress_theme "2010.stateofthemap.org-aerodrome" do
- theme "aerodrome"
- site "2010.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "theme-2010"
-wordpress_plugin "2010.stateofthemap.org-sitepress-multilingual-cms" do
- plugin "sitepress-multilingual-cms"
- site "2010.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/private/sitepress-multilingual-cms.git"
- not_if { ENV["TEST_KITCHEN"] }
-wordpress_plugin "2010.stateofthemap.org-wp-sticky" do
- plugin "wp-sticky"
- site "2010.stateofthemap.org"
-directory "/srv/2011.stateofthemap.org" do
- owner "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
- mode "755"
-git "/srv/2011.stateofthemap.org" do
- action :sync
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "resources-2011"
- depth 1
- user "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
-wordpress_site "2011.stateofthemap.org" do
- aliases "2011.stateofthemap.com"
- directory "/srv/2011.stateofthemap.org/wp"
- database_name "sotm2011"
- database_user "sotm2011"
- database_password passwords["sotm2011"]
- urls "/register" => "/srv/2011.stateofthemap.org/register"
-wordpress_theme "2011.stateofthemap.org-aerodrome" do
- theme "aerodrome"
- site "2011.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "theme-2011"
-wordpress_plugin "2011.stateofthemap.org-sitepress-multilingual-cms" do
- plugin "sitepress-multilingual-cms"
- site "2011.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/private/sitepress-multilingual-cms.git"
- not_if { ENV["TEST_KITCHEN"] }
-wordpress_plugin "2011.stateofthemap.org-wp-sticky" do
- plugin "wp-sticky"
- site "2011.stateofthemap.org"
-directory "/srv/2012.stateofthemap.org" do
- owner "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
- mode "755"
-git "/srv/2012.stateofthemap.org" do
- action :sync
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "resources-2012"
- depth 1
- user "wordpress"
- group "wordpress"
-wordpress_site "2012.stateofthemap.org" do
- aliases "2012.stateofthemap.com"
- directory "/srv/2012.stateofthemap.org/wp"
- database_name "sotm2012"
- database_user "sotm2012"
- database_password passwords["sotm2012"]
- urls "/register" => "/srv/2012.stateofthemap.org/register"
-wordpress_theme "2012.stateofthemap.org-aerodrome" do
- theme "aerodrome"
- site "2012.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "theme-2012"
-wordpress_plugin "2012.stateofthemap.org-leaflet-maps-marker" do
- plugin "leaflet-maps-marker"
- site "2012.stateofthemap.org"
-wordpress_plugin "2012.stateofthemap.org-sitepress-multilingual-cms" do
- plugin "sitepress-multilingual-cms"
- site "2012.stateofthemap.org"
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/private/sitepress-multilingual-cms.git"
- not_if { ENV["TEST_KITCHEN"] }
-wordpress_plugin "2012.stateofthemap.org-wp-sticky" do
- plugin "wp-sticky"
- site "2012.stateofthemap.org"
-%w[2013].each do |year|
- git "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org" do
- action :sync
- repository "https://git.openstreetmap.org/public/stateofthemap.git"
- revision "site-#{year}"
- depth 1
- user "root"
- group "root"
- end
- ssl_certificate "#{year}.stateofthemap.org" do
- domains ["#{year}.stateofthemap.org", "#{year}.stateofthemap.com", "#{year}.sotm.org"]
- notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"
- end
- apache_site "#{year}.stateofthemap.org" do
- template "apache.static.erb"
- directory "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org"
- variables :year => year
- end
-package %w[
- gcc
- g++
- make
- ruby
- ruby-dev
- libssl-dev
- zlib1g-dev
- pkg-config
-apache_module "expires"
-apache_module "rewrite"
-gem_package "bundler" do
- version "1.17.3"
-gem_package "bundler" do
- version "2.1.4"
-%w[2016 2017 2018 2019 2020].each do |year|
- git "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org" do
- action :sync
- repository "https://github.com/openstreetmap/stateofthemap-#{year}.git"
- depth 1
- user "root"
- group "root"
- notifies :run, "execute[/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org/Gemfile]"
- end
- directory "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org/_site" do
- mode "755"
- owner "nobody"
- group "nogroup"
- end
- # Workaround https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll/issues/7804
- # by creating a .jekyll-cache folder
- directory "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org/.jekyll-cache" do
- mode "755"
- owner "nobody"
- group "nogroup"
- end
- execute "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org/Gemfile" do
- action :nothing
- command "bundle install --deployment"
- cwd "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org"
- user "root"
- group "root"
- notifies :run, "execute[/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org]"
- only_if { ::File.exist?("/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org/Gemfile") }
- end
- execute "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org" do
- action :nothing
- command "bundle exec jekyll build --trace --baseurl=https://#{year}.stateofthemap.org"
- cwd "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org"
- user "nobody"
- group "nogroup"
- end
- ssl_certificate "#{year}.stateofthemap.org" do
- domains ["#{year}.stateofthemap.org", "#{year}.stateofthemap.com", "#{year}.sotm.org"]
- notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"
- end
- apache_site "#{year}.stateofthemap.org" do
- template "apache.jekyll.erb"
- directory "/srv/#{year}.stateofthemap.org/_site"
- variables :year => year
- end
-template "/etc/cron.daily/sotm-backup" do
- source "backup.cron.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode "750"
- variables :passwords => passwords