-# Note: tablespaces must be exactly in the same location on each
-# Nominatim instance when replication is in use. Therefore
-# use symlinks to canonical directory locations.
-node[:nominatim][:tablespaces].each do |name, location|
- directory location do
- owner "postgres"
- group "postgres"
- mode 0o700
- recursive true
- end
- link "#{basedir}/tablespaces/#{name}" do
- to location
- end
- postgresql_tablespace name do
- cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
- location "#{basedir}/tablespaces/#{name}"
- end
-if node[:nominatim][:state] == "master"
- postgresql_user "replication" do
- cluster node[:nominatim][:dbcluster]
- password data_bag_item("nominatim", "passwords")["replication"]
- replication true
- end
- directory node[:rsyncd][:modules][:archive][:path] do
- owner "postgres"
- group "postgres"
- mode 0o700
- end
- template "/usr/local/bin/clean-db-nominatim" do
- source "clean-db-nominatim.erb"
- owner "root"
- group "root"
- mode 0o755
- variables :archive_dir => node[:rsyncd][:modules][:archive][:path],
- :update_stop_file => "#{basedir}/status/updates_disabled",
- :streaming_clients => search(:node, "nominatim_state:slave").map { |slave| slave[:fqdn] }.join(" ")
- end
-## Nominatim backend
-include_recipe "git"