include_recipe "apache"
include_recipe "apt::grafana"
+include_recipe "awscli"
include_recipe "networking"
passwords = data_bag_item("prometheus", "passwords")
environment "STATUSCAKE_APIKEY" => tokens["statuscake"]
+template "/etc/prometheus/cloudwatch.yml" do
+ source "cloudwatch.yml.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "644"
+prometheus_exporter "cloudwatch" do
+ address ""
+ port 5000
+ listen_switch "listen-address"
+ options %w[
+ --config.file=/etc/prometheus/cloudwatch.yml
+ --enable-feature=aws-sdk-v2
+ --enable-feature=always-return-info-metrics
+ ]
+ environment "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" => "AKIASQUXHPE7JHG37EA6",
+ "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" => tokens["cloudwatch"]
+ subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/prometheus/cloudwatch.yml]"
cache_dir = Chef::Config[:file_cache_path]
prometheus_version = "2.45.0"
systemd_service "prometheus-executable" do
service "prometheus"
dropin "executable"
- exec_start "/opt/prometheus-server/prometheus/prometheus --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --web.external-url= --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus/metrics2 --storage.tsdb.retention.time=540d"
+ exec_start "/opt/prometheus-server/prometheus/prometheus --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --web.enable-admin-api --web.external-url= --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus/metrics2 --storage.tsdb.retention.time=540d"
timeout_stop_sec 300
notifies :restart, "service[prometheus]"
apache_module "proxy_wstunnel"
ssl_certificate "" do
- domains ["", ""]
+ domains ["", "", "", ""]
notifies :reload, "service[apache2]"
group "root"
mode "750"
+package %w[
+ curl
+ jq
+directory "/var/lib/prometheus/.aws" do
+ user "prometheus"
+ group "prometheus"
+ mode "755"
+template "/var/lib/prometheus/.aws/credentials" do
+ source "aws-credentials.erb"
+ user "prometheus"
+ group "prometheus"
+ mode "600"
+ variables :passwords => passwords
+template "/usr/local/bin/prometheus-backup-data" do
+ source "backup-data.erb"
+ owner "root"
+ group "root"
+ mode "755"
+systemd_service "prometheus-backup-data" do
+ description "Backup prometheus data to S3"
+ user "prometheus"
+ exec_start "/usr/local/bin/prometheus-backup-data"
+ read_write_paths %w[
+ /var/lib/prometheus/.aws
+ /var/lib/prometheus/metrics2/snapshots
+ ]
+ sandbox :enable_network => true
+systemd_timer "prometheus-backup-data" do
+ description "Backup prometheus data to S3"
+ on_calendar "03:11"
+service "prometheus-backup-data.timer" do
+ action [:enable, :start]