-#!/usr/bin/python -u
+#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cairo
import cgi
+import http.cookies
import mapnik
import os
+import pyotp
+import resource
import shutil
+import signal
import sys
import tempfile
-import resource
# Limit maximum CPU time
# The Postscript output format can sometimes take hours
# Routine to output HTTP headers
def output_headers(content_type, filename = "", length = 0):
- print "Content-Type: %s" % content_type
+ print("Content-Type: %s" % content_type)
if filename:
- print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"" % filename
+ print("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"%s\"" % filename)
if length:
- print "Content-Length: %d" % length
- print ""
+ print("Content-Length: %d" % length)
+ print("")
# Routine to output the contents of a file
def output_file(file):
- shutil.copyfileobj(file, sys.stdout)
+ shutil.copyfileobj(file, sys.stdout.buffer)
# Routine to get the size of a file
def file_size(file):
return os.fstat(file.fileno()).st_size
# Routine to report an error
-def output_error(message):
+def output_error(message, status = "400 Bad Request"):
+ print("Status: %s" % status)
- print "<html>"
- print "<head>"
- print "<title>Error</title>"
- print "</head>"
- print "<body>"
- print "<h1>Error</h1>"
- print "<p>%s</p>" % message
- print "</body>"
- print "</html>"
+ print("<html>")
+ print("<head>")
+ print("<title>Error</title>")
+ print("</head>")
+ print("<body>")
+ print("<h1>Error</h1>")
+ print("<p>%s</p>" % message)
+ print("</body>")
+ print("</html>")
+# Create TOTP token validator
+totp = pyotp.TOTP('<%= @totp_key %>', interval = 3600)
# Parse CGI parameters
form = cgi.FieldStorage()
+# Import cookies
+cookies = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(os.environ.get('HTTP_COOKIE'))
# Make sure we have a user agent
-if not os.environ.has_key('HTTP_USER_AGENT'):
+if 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' not in os.environ:
os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'NONE'
+# Make sure we have a referer
+if 'HTTP_REFERER' not in os.environ:
+ os.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] = 'NONE'
+# Look for TOTP token
+if '_osm_totp_token' in cookies:
+ token = cookies['_osm_totp_token'].value
+ token = None
# Get the load average
-loadavg = float(open("/proc/loadavg").readline().split(" ")[0])
+cputimes = [float(n) for n in open("/proc/stat").readline().rstrip().split()[1:-1]]
+idletime = cputimes[3] / sum(cputimes)
# Process the request
-if loadavg > 35.0:
- # Abort if the load average on the machine is too high
- print "Status: 503 Service Unavailable"
- output_error("The load average on the server is too high at the moment. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.")
+if not totp.verify(token, valid_window = 1):
+ # Abort if the request didn't have a valid TOTP token
+ output_error("Missing or invalid token")
+elif idletime < 0.2:
+ # Abort if the CPU idle time on the machine is too low
+ output_error("The server is too busy at the moment. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.", "503 Service Unavailable")
<% @blocks["user_agents"].each do |user_agent| -%>
elif os.environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] == '<%= user_agent %>':
# Block scraper
- print "Status: 503 Service Unavailable"
- output_error("The load average on the server is too high at the moment. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.")
+ output_error("The server is too busy at the moment. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.", "503 Service Unavailable")
+<% end -%>
+<% @blocks["referers"].each do |referer| -%>
+elif os.environ['HTTP_REFERER'] == '<%= referer %>':
+ # Block scraper
+ output_error("The server is too busy at the moment. Please wait a few minutes before trying again.", "503 Service Unavailable")
<% end -%>
-elif not form.has_key("bbox"):
+elif "bbox" not in form:
# No bounding box specified
output_error("No bounding box specified")
-elif not form.has_key("scale"):
+elif "scale" not in form:
# No scale specified
output_error("No scale specified")
-elif not form.has_key("format"):
+elif "format" not in form:
# No format specified
output_error("No format specified")
# Zoom the map to the bounding box
+ # Fork so that we can handle crashes rendering the map
+ pid = os.fork()
# Render the map
- if form.getvalue("format") == "png":
- image = mapnik.Image(map.width, map.height)
- mapnik.render(map, image)
- png = image.tostring("png")
- output_headers("image/png", "map.png", len(png))
- sys.stdout.write(png)
- elif form.getvalue("format") == "jpeg":
- image = mapnik.Image(map.width, map.height)
- mapnik.render(map, image)
- jpeg = image.tostring("jpeg")
- output_headers("image/jpeg", "map.jpg", len(jpeg))
- sys.stdout.write(jpeg)
- elif form.getvalue("format") == "svg":
- file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = "export")
- surface = cairo.SVGSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
- mapnik.render(map, surface)
- surface.finish()
- output_headers("image/svg+xml", "map.svg", file_size(file))
- output_file(file)
- elif form.getvalue("format") == "pdf":
- file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = "export")
- surface = cairo.PDFSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
- mapnik.render(map, surface)
- surface.finish()
- output_headers("application/pdf", "map.pdf", file_size(file))
- output_file(file)
- elif form.getvalue("format") == "ps":
- file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = "export")
- surface = cairo.PSSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
- mapnik.render(map, surface)
- surface.finish()
- output_headers("application/postscript", "map.ps", file_size(file))
- output_file(file)
+ if pid == 0:
+ if form.getvalue("format") == "png":
+ image = mapnik.Image(map.width, map.height)
+ mapnik.render(map, image)
+ png = image.tostring("png")
+ output_headers("image/png", "map.png", len(png))
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(png)
+ elif form.getvalue("format") == "jpeg":
+ image = mapnik.Image(map.width, map.height)
+ mapnik.render(map, image)
+ jpeg = image.tostring("jpeg")
+ output_headers("image/jpeg", "map.jpg", len(jpeg))
+ sys.stdout.buffer.write(jpeg)
+ elif form.getvalue("format") == "svg":
+ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = "export")
+ surface = cairo.SVGSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
+ surface.restrict_to_version(cairo.SVG_VERSION_1_2)
+ mapnik.render(map, surface)
+ surface.finish()
+ output_headers("image/svg+xml", "map.svg", file_size(file))
+ output_file(file)
+ elif form.getvalue("format") == "pdf":
+ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = "export")
+ surface = cairo.PDFSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
+ mapnik.render(map, surface)
+ surface.finish()
+ output_headers("application/pdf", "map.pdf", file_size(file))
+ output_file(file)
+ elif form.getvalue("format") == "ps":
+ file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix = "export")
+ surface = cairo.PSSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
+ mapnik.render(map, surface)
+ surface.finish()
+ output_headers("application/postscript", "map.ps", file_size(file))
+ output_file(file)
+ else:
+ output_error("Unknown format '%s'" % form.getvalue("format"))
- output_error("Unknown format '%s'" % form.getvalue("format"))
+ pid, status = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
+ if status & 0xff == signal.SIGXCPU:
+ output_error("CPU time limit exceeded", "509 Resource Limit Exceeded")
+ elif status & 0xff == signal.SIGSEGV:
+ output_error("Memory limit exceeded", "509 Resource Limit Exceeded")
+ elif status != 0:
+ output_error("Internal server error", "500 Internal Server Error")