+ print("<html>")
+ print("<head>")
+ print("<title>Error</title>")
+ print("</head>")
+ print("<body>")
+ print("<h1>Error</h1>")
+ print("<p>%s</p>" % message)
+ print("</body>")
+ print("</html>")
+# Add a copyright notice for raster formats (PNG, JPEG, WEBP)
+def add_copyright_notice_raster(image, map_width, map_height, format):
+ # Convert the Mapnik image to PNG and store it in a BytesIO object
+ png = image.tostring("png")
+ png_io = io.BytesIO(png)
+ # Load the PNG data from the BytesIO object into a Cairo ImageSurface
+ surface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(png_io)
+ add_copyright_notice_vector(surface, map_width, map_height)
+ # Convert the Cairo surface to PNG in a BytesIO object
+ output_io = io.BytesIO()
+ surface.write_to_png(output_io)
+ if format == "png":
+ return output_io
+ else:
+ # Open the output PNG image for conversion to other formats
+ img = Image.open(output_io)
+ img_io = io.BytesIO()
+ img.save(img_io, format=format)
+ return img_io
+# Add a copyright notice for vector formats (SVG, PDF, PS)
+def add_copyright_notice_vector(surface, map_width, map_height):
+ context = cairo.Context(surface)
+ # Set the font for the copyright notice
+ context.set_font_face(cairo.ToyFontFace("DejaVu"))
+ context.set_font_size(14)
+ # Define the copyright text
+ text = "© OpenStreetMap contributors"
+ text_extents = context.text_extents(text)
+ text_width = text_extents.width
+ text_height = text_extents.height
+ x_margin = 10
+ y_margin = 10
+ # Position the text at the bottom-right corner
+ x_position = map_width - text_width - x_margin
+ y_position = map_height - text_height - y_margin
+ # Draw a white box just large enough to fit the text
+ context.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 0.5)
+ context.rectangle(x_position - x_margin, y_position - y_margin,
+ text_width + 2 * x_margin, text_height + 2 * y_margin)
+ context.fill_preserve()
+ context.set_source_rgb(0, 0, 0) # Black color for the text
+ context.move_to(x_position - x_margin / 2, y_position + y_margin)
+ context.show_text(text)
+# Render and output map for raster formats (PNG, JPEG, WEBP)
+def render_and_output_image(map, format):
+ image = mapnik.Image(map.width, map.height)
+ mapnik.render(map, image)
+ bytes_io = add_copyright_notice_raster(image, map.width, map.height, format)
+ if format == "png":
+ output_headers("image/png", "map.png", bytesio_size(bytes_io))
+ elif format == "jpeg":
+ output_headers("image/jpeg", "map.jpg", bytesio_size(bytes_io))
+ elif format == "webp":
+ output_headers("image/webp", "map.webp", bytesio_size(bytes_io))
+ output_file(bytes_io)
+# Render and output map for vector formats (SVG, PDF, PS)
+def render_and_output_vector(map, format):
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="export") as file:
+ if format == "svg":
+ surface = cairo.SVGSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
+ surface.restrict_to_version(cairo.SVG_VERSION_1_2)
+ elif format == "pdf":
+ surface = cairo.PDFSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
+ elif format == "ps":
+ surface = cairo.PSSurface(file.name, map.width, map.height)
+ mapnik.render(map, surface)
+ add_copyright_notice_vector(surface, map.width, map.height)
+ surface.finish()
+ if format == "svg":
+ output_headers("image/svg+xml", "map.svg", file_size(file))
+ elif format == "pdf":
+ output_headers("application/pdf", "map.pdf", file_size(file))
+ elif format == "ps":
+ output_headers("application/postscript", "map.ps", file_size(file))
+ output_file(file)