+ - name: planet
+ rules:
+ - alert: planet dump overdue
+ expr: time() - file_stat_modif_time_seconds{path=~"/store/planet/(pbf|planet)/.*"} > 7 * 86400 and ignoring (job, name, path) chef_role{name="planetdump"} == 1
+ for: 24h
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: planet
+ annotations:
+ overdue_by: "{{ $value | humanizeDuration }}"
+ - alert: notes dump overdue
+ expr: time() - file_stat_modif_time_seconds{path=~"/store/planet/notes/.*"} > 86400 and ignoring (job, name, path) chef_role{name="planetdump"} == 1
+ for: 6h
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: planet
+ annotations:
+ overdue_by: "{{ $value | humanizeDuration }}"
+ - alert: daily replication feed delayed
+ expr: time() - file_stat_modif_time_seconds{path=~"/store/planet/replication/day/.*"} > 86400 and ignoring (job, name, path) chef_role{name="planetdump"} == 1
+ for: 3h
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: planet
+ annotations:
+ delayed_by: "{{ $value | humanizeDuration }}"
+ - alert: hourly replication feed delayed
+ expr: time() - file_stat_modif_time_seconds{path=~"/store/planet/replication/hour/.*"} > 3600 and ignoring (job, name, path) chef_role{name="planetdump"} == 1
+ for: 30m
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: planet
+ annotations:
+ delayed_by: "{{ $value | humanizeDuration }}"
+ - alert: minutely replication feed delayed
+ expr: time() - file_stat_modif_time_seconds{path=~"/store/planet/replication/minute/.*"} > 60 and ignoring (job, name, path) chef_role{name="planetdump"} == 1
+ for: 5m
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: planet
+ annotations:
+ delayed_by: "{{ $value | humanizeDuration }}"
+ - alert: changeset replication feed delayed
+ expr: time() - file_stat_modif_time_seconds{path=~"/store/planet/replication/changesets/.*"} > 60 and ignoring (job, name, path) chef_role{name="planetdump"} == 1
+ for: 5m
+ labels:
+ alertgroup: planet
+ annotations:
+ delayed_by: "{{ $value | humanizeDuration }}"