'~^Java\/' 1; # Library Default
'~^tiles$' 1; # Library Default
'~^okhttp\/' 1; # Library Default
- '~^Microsoft-ATL-Native\/' 1; #Library Default
+ '~^Microsoft-ATL-Native\/' 1; # Library Default
'/n software IPWorks HTTP/S Component - www.nsoftware.com' 1; #Library default
- '~^Wget\/' 1; #Library Default
+ '~^Wget\/' 1; # Library Default
'C# TilesDownloader' 1; # Downloader
'MapDownloader' 1; # Downloader
+ '~^staticmaps' 1; # Downloader
'Android' 1; # Default or fake
'kc_android' 1; # Default or fake
'Mozilla/4.0' 1; # Fake
'com.soft373.taptaxi' 1;
'com.kradac.ktxcore' 1;
'ru.crowdsystems.topcontrol.knd' 1;
+ # '~[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}' 1; # Fake UA
map $http_referer $denied_referer {
default 0; # Not denied
'http://www.openstreetmap.org/' 1; # Faked
'http://www.openstreetmap.org' 1; # Faked
+ 'https://www.openstreetmap.org' 1; # Faked
'http://openstreetmap.org/' 1; # Faked
'http://openstreetmap.org' 1; # Faked
+ 'https://openstreetmap.org' 1; # Faked
'http://www.osm.org/' 1; # Faked
'http://www.osm.org' 1; # Faked
'http://osm.org/' 1; # Faked
'http://osm.org' 1; # Faked
- '~^http://google\.com' 1; # Faked
- '~^http://www\.google\.com' 1; # Faked
+ 'http://google.com' 1; # Faked
+ 'http://www.google.com' 1; # Faked
+ 'http://google.com/' 1; # Faked
+ 'http://www.google.com/' 1; # Faked
+ 'https://google.com' 1; # Faked
+ 'https://www.google.com' 1; # Faked
+ 'https://google.com/' 1; # Faked
+ 'https://www.google.com/' 1; # Faked
+ 'http://www.microsoft.com/' 1; # Faked
'~^https?://pmap\.kuku\.lu/' 1; # Too much traffic
'~^https?://[^.]*\.pmap\.kuku\.lu/' 1; # Too much traffic
'~^https?://fastpokemap\.com/' 1; # Too much traffic
'~^https?://[^.]*\.pkget\.com/' 1; # Too much traffic
'~^https?://twpkinfo\.com/' 1; # Too much traffic
'~^https?://[^.]*\.twpkinfo\.com/' 1; # Too much traffic
+ '~^https?://9db\.jp/' 1; # Too much traffic
+ '~^https?://[^.]*\.9db\.jp/' 1; # Too much traffic
+ '~^https?://clustrmaps\.com/' 1; # Too much traffic
+ '~^https?://[^.]*\.clustrmaps\.com/' 1; # Too much traffic
map $http_referer $osm_referer {
'~^osmMozilla\/5\.0\ ' $http_pragma; # Pass Header
+# Find Browser User-Agents which are not sending a referer.
+# Browsers with no referer could be due to Browser extension or website Referrer-Policy
+map $http_referer$scheme$http_user_agent $deny_missing_referer {
+ default 0; # Not denied
+ '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(X11' 1;
+ '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Windows' 1;
+ '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(iPhone' 1;
+ '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Macintosh' 1;
+ '~^httpsMozilla\/5\.0\ \(Linux' 1;
server {
# IPv4
listen 80 deferred backlog=16384 reuseport fastopen=2048 default_server;
proxy_cache_min_uses 4;
add_header x-cache-status $upstream_cache_status;
+<% else %>
+ # Severely rate limit Browser UAs which are not sending a referer.
+ # With no referer we do not know who is using tiles
+ if ($deny_missing_referer) {
+ set $limit_rate 1024;
+ add_header x-cache-ratelimit "missing-referer";
+ }
<% end -%>
# Set a QoS cookie if none presented (uses nginx Map)